Ch. 47 Universal Reset Part 2

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Ch. 47 Universal Reset Part 2

I stumbled back into the room that wasn't actually my room. I was tired, confused, and all around frustrated. It had taken surprisingly long to handle the situation that had come up, so I was anxious to sleep again. Who knew? Maybe everything would be back to normal.

I climbed into the bed and lied down. It was the second time this had happened in two days, but a lot of weird stuff had happened in between then. Nevertheless, I felt just as anxious to slip off to dreamland.


Dreamland sucked.

I found myself in a mysterious sort of void. There was nothing except small specks of light that let me know where the ground I stood on was. I walked forward slowly, only the sound of mysterious wind around me. It seemed kind of...breathy, though. Almost as if it was...

"...Snoring..." I muttered to myself, until I suddenly reached a large drop. I stopped myself quickly, and rocks I had kicked up tumbled down the slope. I looked down into the abyss. I couldn't see anything, but the snoring definitely seemed to be originating from there. Like deep breaths, the wind whistled around me. And I heard the sound of something striking the ground deep below.

A shuffling echoed up the walls, and the snoring abruptly stopped.

I jolted awake again, breathing deeply. I took in the fact that I was not in the same place I had been the previous night. I was also not in a bed, but a tent.

"Awesome." I muttered quietly. I heard shuffling next to me. Looking out the tent, I could see that it wasn't quite morning yet, so I decided to give whoever it was some sleep. I settled down into the sleeping bag, and soon drifted off.

But I didn't see the strange void, or hear the deep breathing of whatever I had experienced before.


I woke up again. I was still in the tent, so at least nothing had changed. I stepped outside of the tent. I seemed to be in a forest. It didn't seem too crazy. Maybe we were just on a camping trip.

I heard a voice behind me, and a kind of young sounding voice asked, "Whacha doing, Tommy?"

I assumed that was who I was here, so I spun around to answer, but found myself not looking at a person, but a small, red porcupine like creature. It smiled at me.

I really wished I had my Pokedex, because it would have been super handy right then.

"Uh, just a second."

I spun around and had a furious mental debate on what to do next. If I lied, what in the world was I going to say? If I told it the truth, who would believe me? If I kept asking myself questions, how long could I go at this?

I elected quickly and took it aside. "Hey, listen. This is gonna sound crazy, but...I'm not actually, uh, you said Tommy right?"

Its face kind of went into a mixture of confused and generally annoyed, so I quickly continued.

"Listen, in about the past day, I have been traveling through other universes or something, and entering the bodies of people who I guess represent me in that scenario."

It stared at me blankly.

"I'm him from another world." I sighed, wondering if Doc was starting to rub off on me.

"Oh. Why didn't you just say so?"

"Wait wait wait wait. You're just...okay with this?"

He shrugged. "Sure. Kinda happens more often than you think."

"Right. So, uh..."

"Oh, right, I guess I'd better introduce myself to you, then. Hi. I'm Elecmon. And I'm your-well, TOMMY'S partner."

"...Partner what?"

He frowned. "Partner digimon. You've never heard of us?"

"Can't say so. Where I come from, we have what are called Pokemon."

"Well, I bet they aren't nearly as incredible as us."

I rolled my eyes. "You certainly talk a lot more."



I heard some shuffling, and turned to the tents to see movement in them. There was small noises occasionally, probably voices. I quickly told him not to tell anyone and walked back in just as another guy came out of his tent.

"Hey Tommy, you're up early." He smirked.

"Morning, uh..." I looked down at Elecmon. His eyes widened and he coughed into an arm.

Cough Hari Cough.

"...Hari. Well, uh didn't feel like sleeping any longer, I guess."

He smiled. "Right. Hope everyone's ready to go. Big day, what with Cherrymon yesterday."

"Right..." I replied, deciding to end the conversation right there.

He gave me a confused look. He turned around and headed towards the campfire pit.

I sighed. If I was gonna make this work, I had to get better at making crap up.

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