Ch. 80 Aftermath (Finale)

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Ch. 80 Aftermath

Everything was kind of quiet for a moment. Then someone let out a loud cheer, which erupted into all out celebration. I pulled myself up off the ground and extended a hand to Tori, who took it and pulled herself up.

We looked around at people who were applauding us. A smile crept across my face. I grabbed Taylor when she came up to me and wrapped her in a tight hug. She was surprised at first, but returned it gratefully.

We pulled ourselves away to look back at Arceus. He lay there, unmoving, his eyes finally closed. Though the excitement still surged through me, one thing bothered me.

" exactly are we gonna deal with him?"

Harper, who had joined us, frowned. "Yeah. I mean, he is an enormous Pokemon god. That's kinda something that would be hard to handle."

"Plus!" Tommy jumped in. "I don't exactly belong here."

"Oh yeah, I kinda forgot we brought alternate dimension versions of me here." I replied. The statement brought a thought to my mind. "I'll be right back."

I ran forward, and found 5 lying on the ground. He was back to normal, it seemed. He certainly looked like it. His clothes were slightly torn, and a few bruises and cuts were scattered across his body. I knelt down next to him. "You okay, buddy?"

He took a deep breath. His eyes flashed yellow for one more moment, then returned to normal. "I'm...I'm alright."

"So...what was that?" I asked.

He sat up, wiping off his face with his tattered shirt. "I, uh, I'm not really sure. Ever since the whole universe thing, I've felt really weird whenever I get anxious or something. This time though, was the first time it's ever gotten that far."

"Well, can I just say, wow."

"Yeah, well, it's not very worth it when there's nothing worth fighting in my world. Everything's normal there. Well, normal compared to you."

"Hey, no big deal. You can do something completely unlike anything I've ever seen. And you just used it to save lives. That, by definition, is cool."

I stood up and helped him to his feet. "And for the record? I think it's pretty damn awesome that you can turn into a giant robo monster."

He looked at me, a bit overwhelmed. "I...thanks? I guess?"

"You're welcome." I replied. As I turned my attention towards figuring out the next step, I heard something behind me. I spun around to find Arceus climbing to his feet.

"Oh, come on!" Tommy yelled.

When Arceus took his full stance however, he looked different than before. It no longer seemed like his presence was meant to be intimidating. It seemed more like a formal respect.

"You need not worry, mortals. You have defeated me in battle. I have no other choice than to accept that defeat. You have acted honestly in defense of your world."

"Worlds..." Z muttered.

"And for this, I will grant you that which you wish. For your friends from other worlds..." His eyes gleamed, and several portals formed next to each of them.

Tori looked at me. "Do we trust him?"

I shrugged. "What other option do we really have?"

I looked around at each of them. "Thanks. Maybe I'll see you guys later."

"Yeah, well, I'm more than ready to go back to monsters for now." Z replied.

"I've got enough going on as is." Tommy agreed.

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