Ch. 78 Beginning of the End Part 6

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Ch. 78 Beginning of the End Part 6

I stood unmoving. The carnage around me was unlike anything I had ever seen. The original scream had turned into more. Some were even coming from the floating pieces of debris Arceus suspended in the air. There was so much going on. What on earth we could even do about it...I didn't know.

"This isn't very good, boys." Tori muttered from behind me.

"Well, Todd. What do we do now?" Adrian put a hand on my shoulder. I said nothing to him.

"We need to start the fight." Z answered. "Split up, some help the people, some give Arceus what's coming to hi-"

"No." I interrupted him. "The people are a priority. Everyone is on protection. Keep people safe no matter what. Arceus can wait. If we're lucky, he might stop the destruction just to get rid of us."

"I usually don't consider that lucky." Tommy replied.

"That's enough chitchat." Adrian spoke up. "Let's get to work, people!"

Everyone split off, running for different buildings that were all in very bad shape.

Adrian and I ran up to what looked like an apartment building, where a mother and her daughter looked down from a window. I nodded silently at him before leaping up, stabbing a claw into the side of the building, and propelling myself upward, scaling the wall quickly. I got up next to the window and pointed to the girl. The woman seemed very reluctant, but then she was tapped on the shoulder, causing her to spin around in shock, and see Adrian standing quietly behind her.

"Just trust us." He said in voice that was actually rather soothing.

She gulped and handed me her child, who I took carefully (she was heavier than she looked). I loosened my grip on the wall, allowing myself to slide down softly to the ground. Adrian appeared next to me from traveling through the shadows. He took his hand away from the woman's eyes, and she quickly rushed to her daughter, who I gave to her.

As she ran away, I turned to Adrian. "What was that whole thing with the eyes?"

He sighed. "The whole shadow travel thing? It's like going through another world, just like our own. Except it's full of things. Disasters, nightmares. Monsters. I never want anyone to see that."

He formed his hand into his claws. "I'm a gateway. Just like I can use it to go there, anything in there can use me to get here. I needed to use this ability to my advantage, but the things in there would take me in a moment. So I had to learn to fight, to intimidate them. To keep the world safe."

I was silent for a moment. "Wow."

"Understand why I'm not so sociable? Take it from me or Z, no one can live life like that just because they feel like it. We live this way because we've seen things."

"I'm sorry I never knew. The things I've seen have made it hard for me to be who I used to be. I can't imagine what it's like."

He looked over. "We've wasted enough time. People need us."

"You're right. Let's go."

-Tommy POV-

I was with the one girl who was a penguin. With everything that was going on, I was a little distracted from learning names.

I was in a situation I wasn't used to, because I couldn't use half of my main tricks. Leomon was a little too intimidating, so Elecmon was using his very limited range of abilities in Rookie form to help out. As for me, my data capture system was worthless, since there weren't any digimon around. I just ran around to do what I could, lifting debris from anything I could get to.

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