Ch. 59 Family Part 4

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Ch. 59 Family Part 4

Todd POV

I sat silently outside the back of the house. Thoughts were screwing with me. I couldn't wrap my head around all that had happened. My whole life was a lie. And it was all orchestrated by my own father.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Lily standing, giving me a gentle smile.

"Hey." I sighed.

"Todd, I know this is weird. But you don't have to worry about doing this alone. This is tough for us too. I'm here for you. John's here for you."


John's voice came from the front of the house.

"Hey sis? Could you come here for a minute?"

"Be right there!" She looked back to me. "You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm alright."

She went around.

I decided to just spend a little time with me and my thoughts. Me, and my jumbled, crazy, disordered thoughts.


Lucario POV

I crouched behind the bush. I looked carefully over, trying to avoid being spotted. I listened in with my highly acute hearing.

"Are you sure you saw something?"

"I dunno. I thought so. It might have been just a bird or something."

Crap. There were others there. It would be difficult to get to him with them there.

But if they went back to where he was, it would be even more difficult.

I charged an Aura Sphere and prepared to throw.

"Maybe I should go back to Todd..."

I leaped out, launching it precisely in the direction of the voice. I saw it hit nearly directly. With a painful scream she was sent flying.

As I approached with incredible speed, I heard the male cry out.

"LILY!!" I lunged through the air, and caught him in the face with a kick, bouncing back and landing lightly on my feet.

He turned around, filled with rage, and launched a punch with devastating force and speed. I only barely dodged the attack, and struck him in the gut with a paw.

He winced, but lifted his arm up.

"Hammer Arm!" His fist slammed directly into me, and I fell back. I bounced backward to get up, and lunged with a Bone Rush attack.

"Strength!" He clasped his hands onto my attack, and for a moment we wrestled with strength, but then he tossed my attacks momentum downward. Once I was on the ground, he performed a powerful kick. I soared over a ditch and landed somewhat painfully on the other side. He jumped over it and walked over to me. 

I began to get up slowly, and his pace slowed.


I quickly accelerated, and fired two Aura Spheres into his chest. He stumbled back, losing his footing. I rushed up and stopped directly in front of him. I thrust a Force Palm into his chest, painfully knocking him backward.

The blow reverted him to normal in midair. He tumbled down the hill, colliding with several stray pieces of rock, and slamming his head on a large one at the bottom.

My eyes widened. I turned, however, when the girl's voice cried, "JOHN!!"

I turned, and saw a tail slap me hard across the face. I stepped back, and I could see that she stood bravely in her Cinccino form.

However, when she looked down and saw her brother, she abandoned the fight and went to his side.

Todd POV

I heard commotion, but my mind was too distracted to put any real thought to it.

It was only when Lily's scream pierced my daydreams that I knew something was going on.

I rounded the house with newfound speed. I didn't need to see much to know what I had to do.

Lucario POV

I grunted to myself. "Now to try to find the real threat."

"HE'S RIGHT HERE!!!" A powerful scream sounded in my ears, and I turned to see Todd emerge, and he struck me across the face painfully, and followed up with several consecutive blows.

Todd POV

I have never felt my anger and frustration vent itself in a more powerful way.

I let all my rage flow into each strike, making sure they all hurt. He pushed me off quickly, but I bounced back. He began to block strikes, claw meeting spike with a sinister clash each time. He hit me in the stomach and jumped back.

"I have always defeated you. I have defeated your entire group of friends without help. You don't have any hope to defeat me."

The words stung, and I took deeper meaning from them then I probably should have.

"This is NOTHING like then!" I lunged, finding openings with the speed my anger gave me. I hit with jab after jab.

"I'm NOTHING LIKE I WAS!!" I roared, striking him with an uppercut.

"You've beaten us enough. You've messed with me and my family enough. Now you're gonna PAY!!" I hit him with a blow that sent him back several feet. He looked up, and I saw the look in his eyes.

An Aura Sphere.

In hindsight, the speed and ease with which my body responded with something had never known it could do should have scared me.

I put my hands back and thrust forward. "SHADOW BALL!!!"

The attacks collided in midair, dissipating each other. Lucario was clearly shocked. I was too, seeing as I was a ground type, and had just used a distinctly ghost type move.

But I didn't let it distract me. I used an Earthquake to send him flying before he had time to react.

Once the dust settled, I saw him. He was beaten. Badly. He struggled to get up.

It should have been enough.

I charged, yelling with anger and prepared to deliver the final blow.

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