Ch. 46: Universal Reset

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Ch. 46: Universal Reset

(Warning: There will be some interesting events in the upcoming chapters. Todd's reactions to these circumstances in no way say anything about my opinion on these topics. Any comments that you may find offensive are not at all intentional.)

I wandered back into my room I shared with Joey. I was beat, and I could not wait for sweet rest. It's always awesome saving the world and everything, but I had had it. I walked over to my bed and collapsed, falling quickly into a deep sleep...


I yawned as I woke up once more. I was feeling way better. In fact, I didn't feel as if I had done anything tiring at all. I stretched as I sat up. A small mound was present in Joey's bed, telling me that he had gone to rest as well. I stood and walked over to the door. As I did, I passed a mirror, which made me stop cold. I backed up and looked again. There was certainly something...not right. Namely my entire body shape. I began to feel hot, and I ran my hands across my body. I looked back at the mirror and blinked a couple times. "I'm...I'm a...GIRL?"


I yawned as I woke up once more. But, surprisingly, I felt different, as if I had been running about and tiring myself all of yesterday, and I felt sore. I stood and stretched, and a few bruises I didn't remember ached. I looked over, and on the bright side, Joanna was definitely there, probably asleep. I slipped towards the door, but passed the mirror. I turned around and looked in. I was definitely not...myself. I didn't look right at all. And the more I investigated, the more worried I became. "I'm...I'm a...BOY?"

This was unbelievable. HOW?? I had had some weird things happen to me, but this was on a whole new CALIBER of weird. I was freaking out, and wandered out the door. Everything looked almost the same, but...I...was...a...BOY.

I knew I had to get help. I decided to try to find Prof. He'd probably understand. Then again, did I understand?

I quickly climbed the stairs onto the main floor. I hurried to the main room. "Prof, we gotta talk."

"Hmm. Prof's new."

"Wait, what?"


This was unbelievable. HOW?? I had seen some weird things, but this was definitely on a whole new...whatever that "c" word is for level. I was panicking, understandably.

(Okay, you don't need to see everything said twice from now on, so I'll just continue on from where the other one left off. If you still don't understand what's going on, it'll get cleared up.)


"Wait, who are you?"

The man on the couch turned around and gave a confused smile. "What are you talking about, Tori?"

"Oh gosh. Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but could you tell me the names of my teammates?"

"Uh, you mean Nelson, Joanna, Haden, Taylor, and Adriana? Whhhhyyy?"

"Okay, listen. My name isn't Tori. It's Todd, and I think I'm in some sort of world where everyone is the opposite gender. I don't know HOW I got here, but you got to believe me. Either that or I'm wildly dreaming."

He didn't say anything, but he definitely had Doc's look when she's thinking deeply.

Tori POV

She finally spoke. "It's possible... albeit unlikely. The only logical explanation would be parallel universes, but it's interesting that you are in Todd's body."

She stood up and began pacing. "Unless, in order to balance the strain of transporting a conscience to a universe it doesn't originate from, the time space continuum transports ONLY the conscience. That would mean, wherever your universe is, Todd would likely be in your body."

"Wait, you're saying there's a guy in my body? Yuck."

"Well, I don't know how we're going to get you home, or Todd for that matter. Perhaps it's best to just sleep on it."

"Wait, sleep?" 

"Yes, it's almost 8:00 in the evening. Todd went to sleep after he got back yesterday, so...he almost slept for a whole day. You had best sleep until we figure things out."

"Yeah, I guess."

Todd POV

I sighed, and was heading down to my bed when a familiar alarm went off. Everyone gathered together to see what the scenario. I barely caught all the details since everyone was so surprising. Adriana reminded me a lot of Adrian. Taylor (not my Taylor) was a lot like Joey, but seemed to have Taylor's sort of...flare. Nelson and Joanna kind of seemed like, well, Joey and Nelly since they were about the same age. And Haden, he kept looking at kinda weird. I guessed he had a crush on Tori (it felt weird reminding myself that's who I was technically) and that they hadn't talked about Taylor like Harper and I had. 

It kinda threw me off guard, so when we began to head out, I realized something. "Oh shoot, I gotta get shoes!"

I ran back into the room. I ran to the bed, and they weren't there. I recalled that this was a girl version of me, and they probably were more organized than me. I rushed around trying to find a good pair of shoes. It wasn't a big room, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

Why me?

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