Ch. 54 Universal Reset Part 9

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Ch. 54 Universal Reset Part 9


I was really getting sick of this.

I had watched countless people in my life die and fall into ranks of crawling monsters.

Right now, I missed the monsters.

We continued laying a continuous assault on Arceus. It seemed to be not doing anything. I liked being able to kill something with a headshot.

It finally seemed frustrated, and spread its feet. It thrust its head up, and suddenly I felt as though gravity had suddenly increased by an immense amount, and pain seared through my body. I collapsed to my knees, and dropped my guns. I tried to resist succumbing to the pain, but it was unbearable. I could see it happening to everyone. We had all been incapacitated with a single move.


My head was screaming from the pain. I had never felt anything like it.

"You fools." Arceus' voice boomed. "You now know the power of Judgement."

I bit back a scream, and forced myself to stay on my knees. I pulled myself slowly to my feet. It hurt so much more, and I couldn't hold back my screams. I instead turned it into rage, fueling me as I stood myself up. Arceus seemed angered. It increased the power, and I stumbled a little, but righted myself and let out a pain filled scream.

"GrrrAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" I lunged at him, and struck a powerful blow at Arceus. He stumbled back a little, and growled. 

The others behind me began to get up, and Z fired a shot angrily. Arceus almost sighed. "Very well. I suppose if you won't surrender your bodies, I will have to destroy your minds. It will do."

His body began to glow slightly, and his golden parts became a bright pink. He looked down at us and his eyes flashed. Suddenly, I felt a massive rush of pain in my head. I heard the others screaming, and they collapsed. Soon, my vision faded to black, and when I tried to see again, I was back in the strange place from before. Except, it was clouded. Everything was shaking, and I felt like my whole body was in pain.

"Are you impressed? You are in your own mind, and it is being destroyed. By yours truly." Arceus' voice boomed in my head. I looked up and saw him standing above me. I groaned. I could feel myself trying to slip into unconsciousness. I tried to suppress it. I groaned and tried to steady myself in my mind. I focused on what I needed to get back to. My mom. My friends. I strained, and groaned. I fought back against the mind that was attempting to destroy me.

"No." I growled. I stood up, and I could feel it happen in both my head and physically. "GET...OUT...OF...MY HEAD!"

I opened my real eyes. Arceus was stumbling. "No. NO! This isn't POSSIBLE!!! I am a GOD!!! You cannot defeat my mind! I have not felt such psychic power!" 

He roared loudly, and I felt the force on my mind weaken. I shook my head, and felt myself fully awaken. Arceus began to glow brightly, and he collapsed as he disappeared in a bright burst of light. Several large portals opened beside each of us. We all turned and looked at them for a while.

"So...I guess this is it." Tommy spoke up.

"Yep." Tori replied. "We're going home."

I looked at all of them. "Great working with all of you."

Z put his guns back in their holsters. "Yeah, well don't expect me to do this on a regular basis. I'll take my chances with the monsters."

"I'm with him on this one." 5 added. "I don't even have guns."

We all walked through our portals, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed at Doc's house. It was a new day, and a quick look out the door told me I was back.

I walked into a room where everyone was waiting.


They all looked at me, as if they were waiting for me to say something.

"Uh, I'm back?"

And then I was mobbed with hugs. I was happy to see all of them again. Questions started coming soon enough, and after I few I was really tired.

"Hey, I know it's great that I'm back and all, but I'd really like to just get a nap right now. You guys understand, right?"

"Sure." Doc replied. I smiled and made my way back to my bed.

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