Handcuffed and Gagged (2)

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Chapter 2

They were outside the shop, where she refused to move from. She grabbed onto to the store's glass door so that the guy couldn't drag her. He gave up on it and pointed his gun at her face. She pressed herself on to the wall of the shop.

“Now,” said Mr. Bull.

She looked around wildly. People were starting to scream again.

“SHUT UP!!!” he yelled again. Was it his favorite word? she wondered detachedly.

“Kyle, you are making an unnecessary scene here. Lets get out while we can,” said Husky.

Mr. Bull looked at her. He looked a bit undecided as he rubbed his forehead.

“What?” she asked annoyed. “Just finish me off quickly, idiot.”

“That’s it. I am shooting you in your blasted mouth!”

Oh. He was deciding where he was shooting the bullet. She rolled her eyes. He was a big idiot.

She closed her eyes. Well, at least she could meet Jake again. Her brother. Did he want this from her? She could not know. All she knew was that he forbid her to suicide. And this wasn’t suicide right? 

She remembered how happy she was those days, before that Aunt came into their life. Ha! Goodbye Aunt! Goodbye not-so-dear cousins! I will gladly make your life hell after I go to heaven…or hell?

Where would she end up in? Heaven? Hell? Honestly, she did not care.

She heard him cock his gun. She flinched. Great, her phobia was going to be her death now. Seriously, how cliché can it get?


That single command carried a lot of authority. She opened her eyes.

Husky had stepped in front of Mr. Bull's gun. Confused, she looked at his broad back. His black leather encased back.

Then he turned around, closer than before. She had to look up at him.

He was tall. And that was an important fact because she was 5’6” and he was taller than her.

She tried not to stare at his lips. They were practically in front of her eyes.

“Can you cook?” he asked her seriously.

“Huh?” she blinked.

“Can you cook?” he repeated slowly as if explaining to a dumb person.

“…Yes?” she replied wondering whether Husky was crazy too.

He smiled, “Good.”

She stared. Okay….he looked nice when he smiled. Well,even though half of his face was covered,she had a feeling that he looked handsome...with a mouth like his. Plus he had a cleft on his chin she noticed.

She looked at his eyes, now close enough to see. They were blue. It was a bright blue colour, which were twinkling now. Twinkling with…amusement?

She heard police sirens in the background.

The police was coming! So why weren’t these guys moving?? Why was she not dead yet? Why was no one coming to help her? Yes, she volunteered to die. But, why were the people just watching them? No heroes here too? Jeez…and what's with this cooking thing??

“So what if I can cook?” she asked, having focused on the least important thing at the moment.

“It saves your life,” he replied.

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ