Confusion (37)

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Chapter 37

 Dick Grady, who was 13, was tall for his age. He was gangly and his dark hair was cut short, emphasizing the blueness of his eyes.

 “Hi,” he said, shaking Ash’s hand politely.

“So how are you doing?” Ash asked, just as gravely.

“Good. I just finished my math homework.”

“Nice,” he said smiling. This kid happened to be in one of his classes and was a bright kid. Eager to study and all.

“Dick,” he said, settling down in the chair he was on, “can I talk to you about something?”

The kid nodded, and clasped his hands on his lap. He was sitting ramrod straight on his chair and it made Ash feel uncomfortable by just looking.
“I don't know whether you might remember, but were there any friends of yours who left this place recently?”


“You know, were they adopted or transferred to another—”

“Yep, I had three friends. And two girls who were friends with my sister.”
“Oh. So do you know what happened to them?”

The boy’s face turned a little brooding at that point.

“Tom and Seth, they found someone willing to adopt them…but Patrick…” The boy’s voice turned lower and he said, “He disappeared.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he was here one day, then the next, he wasn’t,” Dick continued in that small voice. “They told us that he was adopted…” It turned shaky at that point.

“Do you know who adopted him?”

“Someone in Mr. Brackman’s family—you know, the owner of this orphanage—wanted him was what they said.”


“Yeah…” his voice turned shaky at that point. “Oh,” Ash commented blankly. “So he doesn’t send you letters or anything huh?”

“No. I haven’t heard of him since then. Maybe they left the country? Or maybe he lost our address?” the boy continued and Ash knew from the boy’s tone that he himself didn't believe what he was saying.

“Dick, listen,” he said slowly, “what do you think really happen?”

The kid shook his head. And then his hands started to shake.

“Mister, there are bad people here.”

 It took Ash some time to wheedle out what Dick knew but he succeeded. Then he made the boy promise that if anyone came to talk to him, especially a dark-skinned man with a finger missing, he should get out of the way and come to Ash. Immediately. And he told him not to mention this to anyone, even Mrs. Goodwill. The boy was confused but was smart enough to understand that it was important. As he left the room, he himself was shaking. With anger. He was usually a calm person but now, he couldn’t.

 Apparently, there had been stories going around the orphanage about people taking away children if they misbehaved. Taken away to be sold. These people were called the Snatchers and these stories were spread by the dorm heads, the women in charge of the dorms in the orphanage. It has almost become a legend in the orphanage and well, after Patrick had disappeared, rumors started saying that he had been taken away by the Snatchers as well. It was enough for a child to stay up at night.

It was cruel. He couldn’t wait to arrest the man.

Two days later Perez was back. With company.

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