Sophia Murphy (31)

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Chapter 31

Lights. Music. People.

This is what a club looks like, mused Alex, feeling her mouth open slightly at the scene in front of her. It was almost nine in the evening and the dance floor was already rocking.

Nate had fake IDs ready for them so they got through undetected from the front. As the five of them stepped into the interior, many eyes turned towards them. Cole flipped his hair over his shoulder and glanced around, looking for his meal for the night. Cheryl started to size up the men in front of her while Alexis was content staring at Nate.

“Ok guys, focus. She is supposed to be in the VIP section,” started Nate, running a hand through his hair. “Room number 4. Remember her name?”  

They nodded. Earlier in the car he had shown a picture of the woman they were searching for, and Alexis had the image firmly imprinted in her mind. Blonde. Caucasian. Sophia Murphy. But she had no idea who she was. And why Nate wanted her.

“First, I’ll head towards the VIP section, then to through the whole club.” He glanced at Kyle and said, “And you’ll search the bar.” He looked at Alexis, then at Cheryl and said, “You’ll be at the dance floor.” They all nodded. Cole raised a hand and asked, “Me?”

“You can go where ever you want. Just don't get wasted, any of you.” He ran a hand through his hair again, this time loosening the ponytail. She felt a flash of longing go through her as the strands swayed forward, and spilled along his nape. Her hands itched to touch them, caress his warm skin, and kiss those lips again. She sighed. No use thinking about this now, she told herself.

“Now, let’s mingle around, down a few drinks, but keep your focus,” ordered Nate, scanning the area with squinted eyes. The lights, red, purple, blue, pulsed around them. “If any of you find her, let me know,” he said, and peered at them. Then he grinned. “Let’s make this a success.”

“Yes sir!” cried Cole, giving a mock-salute.

“Cheryl, Alexis—dance around, but keep a look out for men with—”

“—black suits and walkie-talkies. Yeah we know,” interrupted Cheryl. “Shall we?” She glanced at Alexis.

Feeling a little nervous, she hesitated, and felt an arm slip around her.


She knew because somehow, she felt the difference between Nate, and everyone else. It was instinctive. She gave his arm a reassuring squeeze but, moved away.

“Yeah,” she said, following Cheryl’s lead. Behind her, Cole was arguing with Nate.

“I’m going with them!”

“No! You don't have to! Go around and find a female or a male and get lost!” said Nate hotly.

“And what if some guy hits on either of them? On Alexis?”

“Then—they—fine. Go with them.”

She smiled softly, as Cole strode towards them.

“Now ladies, this party is set! Lets rock and roll!” he crowed, slinging and arm over both of them. She stumbled on the heels a little, but Cole was there to support her. They started towards the dance floor. She glanced back, to see Nate and Kyle going off in opposite directions, eyes focused in the distance. But, just before he disappeared into the crowd, Nate looked back, and met her eyes searchingly. She smiled at him, and watched as he got engulfed in the darkness.

Alex was in a trance. Cole had made her drink something, though it wasn’t strong, she felt light-headed. Next to her, Cheryl was grinding on some guy, while she danced with Cole. His hands were on her hips and hers on his shoulders, moving to the music, laughing. The music pounded on her eardrums to a painful intensity, but she reveled in it. This was another thing she had missed back at her stepmother’s place. Her senses had stretched, on the lookout for three things. Black-suited men. Sophia Murphy. And most importantly, Nate. She had glimpsed Kyle once or twice in the crowd, always moving around, eyes trained to each face. But no Nate. She gave a frustrated sigh and glanced around, sweating and dizzy. She needed to get out of here.  

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora