At last? (19)

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Chapter 19


Time for drastic measures.

Alexis got down from bed and tiptoed to the window. She tried to open it and as usual it was locked. By a small padlock. She grinned.

She had spent the day avoiding Nate and trying to think out her plan. It distracted her from the confusion the hickeys gave her thank god.

She had consulted Adam about the towns around here and got to know that there was a village nearby, ten minutes walk away.

When he asked why, she had answered, “If we run out of supplies, I know where to go.”

To which he replied, with a smirk, “You’ll have to get out of here first.”

She had shrugged and continued chopping herbs for a chicken casserole.

Now she took out the bobby pins she had been wearing the whole time since she had come here and proceeded to pick the lock. Yep, she knew how to pick locks. Blame it on her brother. Jake had always insisted that she knew ‘the mundane things of life’, though why he categorized lock-picking as mundane, she never knew.

Jake. Brother. She smiled wistfully, remembering how he had first shown her the way to separate a lock and fix it. It had taken a one week of continuous practice to pick her bedroom lock and fix it back. They celebrated it by going out to the park and eating ice-cream in the swings.

She twisted her hand from left to right, searching…


Aha. She jiggled the padlock and it fell apart in her hand. Ha! Success!

Gingerly, she tested the latch of the window and slowly opened it. It creaked. Purely out of caution, she looked back at the door behind her. It remained closed. Heart in mouth, she tiptoed to the door and placed her ear on it.


No footsteps, or voices or coughs. Nothing. Which was perfect. She tiptoed back to the widow and leant her head out, reveling in the cool night breeze. Taking in a deep breath, she hauled herself to the window frame and sat on it, the narrow bar sticking into her butt. She shook her hair out of her eyes and looked down from the second floor of the beach house. Not a tree in sight. But, it was the beach and sand was plenty. The moon was out which was very useful since she didn’t have a torch.

She gauged the distance and decided it was too risky to jump. She craned her neck to both sides and spotted a drain pipe, a helpful two meters away from the window. She glanced back at the door, sending a mental apology to Nate for breaking one of his rules; she slipped down, out of the window and hung onto the window frame with her hands. Her muscles immediately started to strain. Her feet flailed, trying to find a nook or crevice on the wall…and found it. Without looking down she relaxed her hands, mentally prepared herself and lunged to the drain pipe. Plastering herself to it, she slid down slowly, relaxing and tightening her muscles, so that she could land safely. She hopped down to the sand and dusted herself from the sand and grit stuck to her clothes. Her hands were red and stinging, but she ignored them. Alex checked her pocket for the money she found in the bag Nate had given her earlier today with the clothes. He had forgotten to take the bill and the balance money out of the bag.

That’s when she decided, doing this tonight was definite. It was as if the money was a sign.

She straightened then looked back at the house. It was dark except for a light in one of the rooms. One of them must be working.

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