Look At Me (20)

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Love the song at the right.... :D

As always, Enjoy!!!


Chapter 20 

Pressing a final kiss to her soft lips, he released her. He stepped back, his hands leaving her wrists, gauging her reaction. Her eyes were closed tight.

Inwardly smiling, “Kitty?” he said, his voice low and husky. He couldn’t recognize it himself. Pausing, he swallowed and cleared his throat.

Her eyelids fluttered open and she looked at him blankly. Alex looked dazed. And surprised. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were parted slightly. He locked his muscles before he lunged for her again.

“Kitty?” he said again. Her eyes widened slightly as she raised her hand to her lips, her fingers lingering on them. He forced his gaze back to her eyes.

“You…you-just now-you kissed me??” she said, her voice faint.

He smirked. “Well, what do you think it was?” he asked, his voice amused.

She stepped back.

“You-you-knave!! You stupid idiot!!” she spluttered. He raised an eyebrow at the old term.


“Rake! Play boy! Liar! Whatever!!” she cried throwing her hands up and turned around. Then she started walking furiously. He stared after her.

Okay…that was unexpected. Plus, she was walking in the wrong direction.

“Hey kitty!!” he called out, just to annoy her.

She trudged on, kicking at the sand. Rolling his eyes to heaven, he went after her.

“For your information,” he said, walking behind her, “You are going in the wrong direction.”

She stopped. Then—

“I don’t believe you.”

He groaned. Was she going to be stubborn? Well, he was cold, and he had no jacket because he didn’t have the presence of mind to grab one before he had vaulted out of her window as soon as he realized she had escaped.

“Stupid girl,” he muttered before grabbing her shoulder.

“Let go!”

“You are going in the wrong direction. That’s south.”

She paused, then shaking his hand off, turned about and started marching away from him.

Sighing, he followed her. As he neared her, he could hear her mumble swear words under her breath. She raised her hands and ruffled her hair frustratingly.

“Look. It was just a kiss. You don’t have to—”

“Just a kiss? Just a kiss? Since when can you call—that—just a kiss??”

“Well, wasn’t it?” he asked, stumped.

“NO! You can't—”


“—go around kissing random—”

“—it wasn’t random—”

“—girls!! What if they didn’t want to—”

He caught her by her shoulders and spun her around.

“—be kissed and if it was their—what?” she snapped at him.

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Where stories live. Discover now