Realize (36)

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Chapter 36

She was slowly drifting back into consciousness. ‘Feeling’ was coming back to her. She felt her body ache all over. And that she was cold. Then, her throat felt dry. Really dry. Her skin had this weird feeling of stickiness and she didn't like it. Her neck felt stiff and there was a ticklish feeling on her right arm.

She opened her eyes slowly, relieved that her headache was gone. Her eyes took in the ceiling, then the starry night outside through the window, then a figure huddled up next to her bed. Moonlight helped her see but it wasn’t enough. She narrowed her eyes.

That can't be him. It can't be her dead brother.

The man’s head was on the edge of her bed, his dark hair bushing against her arm. His arms were under his head, his body almost bent to ninety degrees because he was leaning forward from a chair. The posture looked pretty uncomfortable.

A small smile playing on her lips, she sat up slowly and reached out to touch his hair. It was almost funny the way she thought Nate was Jake. Maybe it was because she missed her brother the most when she fell ill?


A wet cloth fell from her forehead onto her lap. She touched it wonderingly. Was she taken care of?

By him?

She looked around as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She noticed that there was a bowl of water on the floor next to Nate’s chair and a bottle of pills. Another cloth was clutched in his hand and there was a brooding look on his face. She brushed his hair from his face and smiled.

“Looks like I am in good hands Jake,” she said softly. Her voice was hoarse. And dry. Right. She had to have some water. Alexis eyed the bowl of water on the floor and sighed. Even though she felt tired, she should drink water from some good source.

Grumbling at herself, she slowly shifted down the bed and planted her feet on the floor. The floor was cold against her bare feet and it was quite comfy. She slowly walked across the room to reach the door when she was grabbed, hoisted up and manhandled back to her bed. She was dropped down gently and then she was staring at Nate’s belligerent face.

“Where,” he asked, placing his hands on either side of her head, “do you think you were going?”

“Water,” she squeaked.

“You should have told me,” he replied.

“But you were sleeping!”

“Then you should have woken me up.”

“But—” She shut up at the look on his face. “Fine. Can I have some water then?” she asked, pouting a little. She didn't like being baby-sitted or whatever.

He grinned. “Sure thing.” He got off the bed and was out of the room before she could say something snarky.

Idiotic idiot.

“He’s kind of a nuisance sometimes Jake,” she said to the air. “But that’s what makes him Nate you know.”

Nate came back with a tall glass of water and she gulped it down the way one would after recovering from fever and having a dry throat.

She smacked her lips as she handed the glass back to him and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, patting her shoulder. “Next time, just tell me. Don't tire yourself when you are sick.”

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