Gracefully done (26)

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Chapter 26 

He was glaring at the coffee mug. He swirled the drink, watching the foam stick onto the walls of the mug.

“Damn this,” he muttered, putting the mug down with a bang. Every time he tried to concentrate o work, her face came floating into his mind. Her wide eyes as he leant down to kiss her, those green green eyes…

“Not again,” he muttered. Pushing himself away from the desk, he stood up. He went to his window, pushing it open and stared at the sea, the afternoon sun beating on the sand. He needed a smoke.

Hands shaking slightly, he patted his pockets, fishing out a pack of cigarettes. He lit one and took in a long drag. The soft sound of waves crashing to the shore reached him and he closed his eyes briefly, letting it calm him and the feelings roiling inside him. Nate sighed, feeling a little content.

Peace and quiet at last.

But no, the gods were against him today.

“Nate!” said a shrill voice, knocking on his door.

He groaned. Cheryl. Why? Why did he kiss her that night? Why?

“Nate? I know you are in there…” Grimacing he strode to the door.

“Yes Cheryl?”

“Can I…can I come in?” she asked.

“No.” She pouted, and then smiled. “Then you come here!” and she dragged him out of the room.

“Where are we going?” he asked through his cigarette. She looked back and simpered. “There.”

He balked when he saw that it was the girls’ room. The room Alexis and Cheryl slept in. Since there wasn’t enough space, they had put Cheryl into Alex’s room. Feeling twinges of guilt making its way into his heart, he shook his head. No regrets, he told himself sternly. One reason he was keeping up with Cheryl was Alexis. Getting up with Cheryl improves his mood a little. Otherwise he would be like a snarling wolf all day long. The other reason was also because of Alexis. He grinned deprecatingly. It was to make her…jealous. Yes, he had sunk that low now. And yes, he was going to play it dirty. If she didn't want to accept him, and then make her hurt the way he does. It was cruel but he couldn’t understand why he was denying him. He knew that she liked him. Or maybe even loved him. He shook his head. No, not that far. But, still she felt something for him and she wasn’t acknowledging it. It was driving him mad. Hence, this serves as a distraction too, he thought, as Cheryl dragged him into the room. She closed it and smiled, a frightening look in his opinion.

“Now…” she said softly, her hands going to his shirt. She pulled his head down, her lips brushing against his.

Is this cheating? he thought detachedly. Am I even doing the right thing? She parted her lips but Nate just kept touching her lips in light caresses. Alexis liked it when he did that. She should have wriggled a little by now—He glanced at Cheryl’s devious eyes and sighed. What am I doing? He knew that he could never get it up for her again. He sighed once more.

“Cheryl,” he started, “On second thoughts, let’s just stay away. I don’t think I want to—”

“Why? Should I—you know—?” Her hand started to come down—he jumped out of the way and grimaced. “No. No it’s not that. I…I just don’t feel like it. Why don’t you ask from Kyle or something?” he said, scratching the back of his neck, as he chewed on the end of the cigarette.


He stepped around her and said, “I'm sorry. I can't just get back together with you after all these years,” he said, opening the door. He stepped out to the corridor narrowly avoiding Alexis.

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Where stories live. Discover now