Fake (6)

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Chapter 6

Hmm…chocolate…the smell of chocolate. Alexis breathed in deeply. Chocolate and something else. She frowned in her sleep. It was warm. She snuggled closer to the warmth, hitting something hard. 

She slowly opened her eyes, stretching her arms.

Black. A black t-shirt. Her eyes travelled up the shirt. Oh. It was on a body, she thought stupidly. So that was the hard object.

She blinked. Body was attached to a neck and a face. A handsome face.

She raised her head, her neck stiff from sleeping at an angle. A pair of blue eyes was looking down at her.

“Good morning Kitty.”

She yelped, sitting bolt right up. She looked down at him in horror. Who was he? What has she got into??? Had she gotten herself into a one-night stand??? Was she-?

She looked around panicking at the sight of three more large bodies sprawled on the floor. Who were they? What were they doing on the floor? A floor which smelt of Lysol, the pine-fresh one. She saw a wooden table. And a sink. They were in a kitchen. Kitchen??

“Kitty, calm down….I am Nate. Remember me? The kidnapper?”

She stared at him. Then yesterday’s events started flooding her mind.

Her birthday. The store. Robbers. Husky. Mr. Bull. The twins. The beach house. Cleaning. Stir-fry. The sea. The cake. The food fight. Beer…

She frowned. Did she fall asleep while they drank beer? She narrowed her eyes. If the idiots had made a mess of the kitchen again….

 “Alexis?? Kitty? Are you ok?” Nate sounded worried.

She nodded her head and stood up. Whoa. Head rush. She held her head in her hands, swaying a bit.

Nate jumped up. “What is it??”

His voice was very husky in the morning, she thought detached.

“Alex??” he shook her shoulders. “Tell me what is wrong???”

She looked at him blearily. “Head rush,” she explained.


She rubbed her eyes sleepily. “Why are we in the kitchen?”

“We…uh…fell asleep in the kitchen…after…you know…drinking.” He looked at her guiltily.

She nodded slowly, a hand on her temple. Throbbing,

“Hangover?” she asked when Nate rubbed his temples with his fingers too. He groaned and pulled a grimace.

Serves the jerk right for drinking. She smiled. Good thing she did not drink. She never did. After that tiny sip of wine she drank at a wedding, she declared that she was shunning alcohol out of her life.

She stepped over Kyle who slept spread-eagled on the floor. The twins were facing each other, snoring peacefully.

She looked around the place. Okay…she just had to clean the table off cake and sweep the floor plus last night’s dishes.

“AHCHHOOO!!!” she sneezed suddenly. Then-

“AH-AH-ACHOOO!!! ACHOOO!!!!” Nate sneezed.

She frowned, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand. Like the idiots they were, they had slept in the wet clothes after the swim in the sea. If you can call that a swim. More like a dunk.

He is Hot. He is Wicked and He is My Kidnapper.Where stories live. Discover now