Chapter 3- Dreams

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Jenna's POV-

I got a chance to watch Take Six's set, and they performed Breakdown with us. The drummer, Austin joined Matt with bongo drums. The bassist, Ivan met with Camm to talk about switching on and off. The guitarists, Matthew and Alex, talked with Whakiao and Jake about the chords. The keyboard dude, Matt did his own thing. And I talked with Sarah about the notes and stuff.

We played and I told the whole crowd how they should buy their new album, which we'd be selling at our merch tent. I told them how this band was awesome.

When we got off stage, I saw tears in Sarah's eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I just can't believe my dream is coming true." she said.

"Awh." I smiled.

"Thank you." she said, looking me in the eyes. I smiled.

This band that I've been in for years now is making another band's dreams come true. That feels pretty awesome.

Jess's POV-

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey!" I heard someone say.

"Caroline!" I smiled, walking away from backstage.

"How're you doing?" she asked.

"Good, how about you and our son?" I asked.

"Good." she said. "How's Warped Tour?"

"It's awesome." I said. "I've made a lot of new friends."

"What kind of friends?"

"Nothing like that." I said.

"Okay. I'm coming to see you soon."

"Really? When?"

"When I can get off work and find a baby sitter for Pippin."

"Caroline, you're an actress. I'm sure they'll give you a day off."

She laughed. "Yes but I am also on a tight schedule. I'll tell you when okay?"

"Okay." I said. "Love to you and Pippin."

"Love right back at ya."



I hung up and I saw Jenna walking up to me. She smiled and waved.

"Hey Jenna." I said.

"You look happy."

"Caroline just called." I said.

"Oh I see. Hey, I want you to meet someone." she said. She led me to a stage and took me backstage."This is the singer of a band called Take Six." she said.

"I've already met her." I smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Sarah."

"It's nice to see you again as well." she said. "I'm sorry I can't stay long, but the set's about to start so I'll see you guys later!" she smiled as she went on stage. Jenna and I watched their set. These kids were good. Just as good as on their bus. This kid....she sang with her heart, not just her voice. She entertained the crowd. She had a love for what she was doing, that's for sure.

Sarah's POV-


Okay, we're at the bus fangirling right now.



"I can't believe they watched our set! And looked interested!" Alex said.

"I know!" Austin replied. "Jess is such a great drummer, I hope I sounded okay!"

"You sounded perfect." I said. "I just hope I sounded okay to Jenna!"

Austin hugged me. "You sound perfect." he said. "Always do."

"Thank you." I said. "This's coming true."

I was right. It's coming true.

Anthony's POV

I am starting to hear not cool things about Take Six. I am going to do everything I can to help this band get the love an support they're getting no matter what it takes.

Jordan's POV-

I was hanging out with Christofer Drew when we walked past Tonight Alive's set. "Cool, they're performing with Tonight Alive." I said, looking at Take Six on the stage smiling. "You know them?" I asked Christofer.

"I heard their music. It sucks, man." he said.

"What? You're crazy." I said, playfully punching him thinking he was joking.

"No, I'm serious." he said. "They suck."

"Hey, they can't be perfect okay? They just started. At least they're trying. You were discovered when you were 15 or 16. And trust me man, you sucked. Stop saying mean things about them."

"And why should I?"

"They've never done anything to you." I said, proud that I stood up for them. They're good kids, they aren't like anything he was saying. And I was hoping the rest of their fans saw that.

Brian's POV-

I was listening to Take Six's song Always Beautiful when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said.

Jordan came in. "Dude, have you heard what Christofer Drew is saying about Take Six?" he asked.

"No." I said. "What has he been saying?"

"He says they suck. He even said mean things about them in an interview, and I heard Zach from Allstar Weekend tried to tell him he shouldn't say that."

I sat up. "That ain't cool, bro. These guys are like my little self playing music."

"I know right?!" he said.

"Calm down, bro. We gotta do something about this. I would never want anyone to say mean things to a band just starting out because if they said mean things to me when I was starting out that'd hurt."

"I know." he said. "I don't know why, I just have a special connection with them."

"I see myself in them." I said.

"Maybe that's it." he replied. "Whatever it is, we gotta help them."

"How about we both invite them to perform with us? The whole tour has been talking about them, at least the bands. But the fans haven't been able to. How about we ask other bands if they can perform with them?"

"Good idea. I'll ask around."

"I will as well." I said. "Jordan, you're a good dude."

"Thank you." he said. I just hoped these guys were around forever.

Christofer Drew's POV-

Take Six performed with Tonight Alive. And now my fans want me to perform with them. Are they crazy? Never in their wildest dreams!

Zach's POV-

I just talked to Brian Dales and Take Six. Looks like we're performing with Take Six next week! :)

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