Chapter 23- Together (Part 3)

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Hello lovies!

My chest has been hurting all day, my leg has been hurting since I woke up, and my arm hurts because of allergy shots which help me with my I'm not in the best mood right now but I am happy :)

So this story, it's come a long way! It's at Chapter 23, which is pretty far! I'm not sure when it will be ending. In the story, it's close to the end of Warped Tour, so I'll try to stretch it out a bit longer to at least 40 chapters before it ends. But I'm afraid that since this is a warped tour story, it'll have to end soon :/

No worries! It'll get to September or October, and I'm still entered in that contest. So if I happened to win, this story would most likely go there.

Also, RIP'll be missed. </3

I'll try to write lots of drama in this chapter :)

Thank you for reading :) -Sarah

okay this is a couple days later lol I went to the fair yesterday and it was a lot of fun but I'm in so much pain from the walking and the rides! haha. also it's my Papal's birthday, hope you're celebrating good in Heaven </3

Thank you for reading :) -Sarah

okay, the date is now August 20th but it'll be midnight soon haha in like two hours. Also RIP baby Corbin </3 you were a blessing to everyone and you are a miracle.

Jenna's POV-

I slammed the computer screen down. People were talking about Tay and I and I think after what I said and what Jess said, and them seeing me and Tay and our bands hanging out together isn't helping. The first thing that came to mind was Christofer Drew. But then I remembered that he said sorry and was being nicer.

The second thing I thought was I needed to talk to Tay.

I went to the We Are The In Crowd bus and knocked on the door. Tay opened it and smiled. "You okay?" she asked.

"People are saying stuff about us." I said.

"Do you want to tell them?"

I thought about it. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It'll only make Caroline and Jess happy if we don't tell our fans. You and I both know our fans are so supportive and they love us, that'll get them!"

" only want to tell people because it'll get Caroline and Jess?"

"No, no." she said, stepping off the bus and hugging me. "I want them to know how much I.."

She paused. "How much I like being with you."

"I could've swore you were about to say--"

"Hey guys!" Jordan said, stepping off the bus. "Ready for our set?"

"I gotta go." Tay said. "I'll tell them."

I smiled. "I'll tell them at ours."

Was she about to say what I think she was going to say? Or am I just thinking that?

Tay's POV-

"Alright, now raise your hand if you've heard that Jenna McDougall and I are dating."

The crowd screamed and people raised their hands. I smiled at the guys.

"I can confirm that this is.......not a rumor, not a lie. We are dating, and we're very happy."

The crowd screamed. I smiled as we continued on the set.

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