Chapter 001 - Anger Management Issues

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Chapter 001: Anger Management Issues


            I backed my car into Liam Ryan’s new ride. Twice.

            Was it deliberate? Definitely not the first time, it wasn't. I even said sorry if it meant anything. It was not my fault he was such a crybaby over it and called me a “fucking bitch.” Now that was deliberate. Did he really expect me to just cower in silence while he berated me like that? Me? Of all people?

            Hell, no.

             So if I did accidentally back into his car the second time, I can’t be fully be held full responsible that his car was still there when I did. Or at least that’s what I tried to tell the principal. It was not my problem if he didn’t believe me. It’s now in the insurance company’s hands.

            “Are you hearing yourself right now, Ms. Young?” Principal Baldwin asked me, looking completely appalled. “How could you not understand the gravity of what you’ve just done?”

            “Oh, sir, I do understand the gravity,” I said earnestly, smiling. “To me, it’s zero-gravity.”

            I swore I thought Mr. Baldwin looked like a tomato for a moment when he heard what I said. He didn’t respond right away, taking deep breaths as he stared at me with his bulging eyes. I wanted to say something funny but I was afraid he was going to have a heart attack if I did.

            “Ms. Young, if you intend to graduate here at Lucien Heath Academy, then I suggest you adjust your behavior accordingly.”

            If it was the first time that I heard that coming out from his mouth, then I would have believed it. But it wasn’t and I didn’t. It was either our school’s administration thrives on making empty threats or my Uncle Lewis is doing a wonderful job at donating a lot of money to the school. Either or both, I didn’t particularly think I was going to leave the academy anytime soon.

            “Yes, sir,” I acquiesced. I pulled my wristband and released it, producing a feeble snapping sound.

            The principal noticed my action and commented, “I sure do hope that anger management training is rubbing off on you, Ms. Young. Otherwise, God help you.”

            I gave him the best crooked smile I know I could form. After a few more concerns regarding him informing my uncle of my unbecoming behavior and few more chastising in between, he eventually dismissed me. No expulsion. No detention. No punishments. 

            And people thought I was the one whose sense of justice was obscured.

            Once I got out of the principal office, I saw Trina North, my best friend in the entire observable universe, waiting for me.

            “Tell me you didn’t smash Liam’s car,” Trina said without a word of greeting.

             Despite her horrified expression, I could not help but admire her olive-skin beauty. The way her green eyes pop out at you like they were exquisite gems was one of her features that I really envied most. It was so unlike my eyes, dark brown and uninteresting.

            “Not really smash,” I corrected her, shrugging. “I accidentally backed my car into his car.”

            “Twice?!Trina almost shrieked.

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