Chapter 003: The Talk of the Town

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Chapter 003: The Talk of the Town

            “How could you be so heartless?”

            I was asked almost the exact same question by the exact same people since Saturday night. It was already a mundane Monday morning and to hear people say that to me for the thousandth time made me want to bang my head against my school locker.

            “Evan, for the last time, shut the hell up!” I snapped, shutting the door of my locker with unnecessary force.

            “But we like Sebastian,” Aiden, Evan’s twin and ‘more evil’ brother replied. “He’s probably the only guy that we will ever approve of.”

            “And maybe the only guy that will ever dare to court you,” Caleb added. “And that says a lot, Mage.”

            “Enlighten me why my older brothers have so much interest over my future social status?” I asked as I walked the corridor. The swarm of students dispersed as I waltzed my way through it.

            “Because we love you and we want to make sure our baby sister will be in good hands once we let you go,” Evan replied, almost cooing, much to my disgust.

            “And we really feel bad for Seb,” Aiden managed to pitch that in. “I mean, you embarrassed the guy, Mage. If you didn’t like him, you could’ve let him down easy.”

            “I didn’t meant to embarrass him, I just –”

            “Broke his heart and tore it into tiny little pieces?” Caleb cut me off before I could finish the sentence, which I really had nothing to add to, really.

            “I panicked, okay?!” I reasoned, making a turn to the right. “I had no idea he was going to do something so crazy. He freaked the shit out of me.”

            “Confessing undying love is freaky to you?” Evan queried, unbelieving. “Man, Mage, you really are a demon lady.”

            “Shut up, Evan.”

            That was Trina.

            Thank God. I was saved.  

            “Are you seriously interrogating Mage about what happened with her and Seb last Friday night?” Trina inquired, her arms folded as she stared down each of my brothers snottily.

            “Yes,” Caleb answered. “But we were just –”

            “That is not your job. That is my job.” She cut my brother off. “The best friend is the confidant. The brothers beat the shit out of the guy that’s going to break their little sister’s heart, understand?”

            “Yes.” All of my brothers then scampered off.

            Just like that, Trinity North had tamed the athletic demigods of Lucien Heath Academy.

            “Why do you have so much power over them?” I asked in awe as I basked at my best girlfriends’ regality. It was funny how my brothers could control the entire school population with their brawn and yet they were no match against the magical charm of the Queen Bee of Lucien Heath Academy.

            “It’s a gift,” she said, smiling.

            “Oh, the perks of being the last descendant of Aphrodite,” I said with a feigned dreamy sigh.

Romancing the Demon LadyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora