Chapter 007: How to Improve Social Relationships

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Chapter 007: How to Improve Social Relationships


            Yesterday, I made my decision.

            I was going to talk to Sebastian now before I come to regret not saying anything at all.

            I was going to give him my answer.

            The decision did not come to me as easy I have wanted to. I changed my mind and back again for over a dozen times before that idiot Byron Heath said something so profoundly witty that I had to slap his face for being undeniably right.

            “You’re never going to know what’s going to happen next if you’re not brave enough to take the first step.”

            That’s what he said to me when, despite my refusal, he insisted that I should try bungee jumping with him when he goes to vacation for the coming school break. Although his intentions were more for convincing me to “break out of my hard shell,” it somehow felt like the most appropriate thing to say regarding my situation with Sebastian. I won’t really know what’s to become of us if I’m never going to face this issue between us. Like Byron said, never knowing is much worse than knowing and regretting it afterwards.

            My “forced” friendly relations with Byron had been so far tolerable. Of course, he took great efforts to make me accompany him as frequently as I could manage. There were also times when I just felt like I could snap his neck of to be done with it. But since Dr. Nyqvist refused to provide me with an anger wristband to keep watch of my temper, Byron had been the most suitable receptor of my violent outbreaks. Despite my assumption that he would eventually grew tired and beaten down from my physical harassment of him, it appeared that he seemed to enjoy the physical pains I inflict on him. Since the arrangement works for our relationship, I did not see any reason to stop assaulting him anytime soon.

            Although I have decided to deal with Sebastian, I still hadn’t mustered up enough courage to do so. I need a bit more preparation before I could take it up to myself to approach him and even say “hello”.

            I have not told Trina about my feelings or what I have decided to do although I am quite certain that she would give me her 100% support. We have barely spent time with each other for the past week. We have only managed to communicate through text messages and phone calls. We see each other in school but have barely enough time to catch up with each other. The Sports Season was kicking off next month and as student body president, she had a lot on her hands. There was not much time to discuss over trivial things as my social life. We could have spent some time during lunch breaks but recently, I have decided to spend less time frequenting the school cafeteria in order to avoid everyone, especially my big brothers who again have remained persistent of their on-going support for “Team Sebastian.” In all honesty, everything was getting a little too annoying for my taste. That is why I have spent most of my lunch periods reading in the school library while secretly sneaking in food to eat.

            Believe it or not, that’s where Byron and I have been spending time together.

            I had always made it clear to him that I had no intention of making it common knowledge that he and I are now friends. Just as he had the reputation of being the newest must-catch hottie of the school, I also had an infamy to uphold. I personally think that making it known to everyone that we are acquainted with each other will not have a good effect on my bad reputation so he had agreed to keep our cordial relations on a low-key. He also, apparently, did not want to scare the chicks away, which was a common thing when you hang around with someone like me.

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