Chapter 010: Friendships are Forever

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Chapter 010: Friendships Are Forever

            I never thought a time would come when I would actually want to stay in detention more than anything else in the world.

            Well, it actually did. The absurd universe has a way of surprising us in these little ways.

            This sudden change of perspective in life was not because I have grown quite fond of my bonding time with Mr. Lu, the head of janitorial services and my detention adviser. And most of all, it was also not because I was enjoying inhaling the toxic fumes of paint as I painted the wall of our auditorium’s stage for the last four hours.

            To be honest, I was getting kind of high.

            Well, anyway, the real reason I gained a newfound love for detention is the harsh truth that it was better than the alternative activity scheduled for me this Saturday – tutoring Byron Oliver Heath.

            I swear to any higher power up there that I’d rather get high from inhaling too much paint and maybe get hospitalized in the process than spend my Saturday afternoon lecturing the prized prince of LHA why the Kreb’s cycle has nothing to do with getting a sexually transmitted disease.

            So, yes, I really was happy to be in detention. And I was not just saying that because I was a little bit stoned already. That was a heartfelt confession. Although, I really did feel a little bit woozy.


            I almost fell off the ladder I was standing when I heard my name echoed all over the auditorium (The acoustics of the place was just impeccable.). Luckily, my reflexes weren’t that impaired yet so I managed to cling onto one of the steps of the ladder before I smash my head on the wooden pavement and splatter it with the color of bloody red.

            I looked to the direction of the voice’s origin. Approaching towards me was my best friend, Trina, with a big wave and wide smile.

            “What are you doing up there?” She asks as she walks down the center aisle, coming toward the stage.

            “Art, my friend. Art.” I giggled a bit as I sniffed the fumes. “I’m just kidding. Mr. Lu told me to repaint the walls since they looked like shit.”

            While climbing the stairs of the stage, she inquired again, “Well, how long have you been doing that?”

            “I don’t really know. And I don’t really care,” I said flippantly as I felt eerily like I was floating. “All I know is that I feel funny.”

            “Oh, my god, Mage! Are you high?” Trina asked a third time. This time I was looking down at her since she stood right next to the ladder.

            “Maybe.” I hiccupped and then proceeded with brushing the paint against the wall. “It’s the paint. I’ve been inhaling it the entire time.”

            “Well, then, get down from there right now!” Ooh… Bossy Trinity. How cute.

            I shook my head, waving my hand with the brush in the air at the same time. I replied stubbornly, “I can’t. The world’s getting blurry. It won’t stop moving.”

            “Hold on! I’ll come get you.”  

            Trina tried to climb a few steps up the ladder but it started to become unstable and was shaking uncontrollably. In fact, I started to lose my grip again and almost fell for a second time but I somehow managed to glue my entire body on the ladder.

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