Chapter 005: The Start of a Complicated Friendship

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Chapter 005: The Start of a Complicated Friendship


            You can run but you can never hide.

            Trina had always been a fan of the cliché so it did not surprise me that she would say a line so overused when she found me hiding under the bleachers during lunch.

            “At least not from you, Trina,” I commented smugly. I did not take away my attention from the book that new book I was reading the whole day – Pride and Prejudice. It was better solitude compared to being constantly pestered by unwanted people that keep invading my life.

            “Sebastian spoke with me yesterday.” Well, she went straight for it. “He said you had an accident.”

            I almost forgot about the wound on my right knee. I bandaged it and iced the sprain so the pain had subsided already. Besides, you won’t really think much of a little scratch especially if there are other more important things to be concerned about.

            “Oh yeah,” I said, caressing the bandaged knee. “I overdid it again, I guess.’

            Trinity flipped her hair in exasperation over my destructive behavior. She never liked that fact that I liked exercising a little too much. Even exercise can become quite an addiction and I was hopeless case for rehabilitation.

            “So have you sorted out your feelings yet?” My, was she direct. The way she tapped her left foot on the floor emphasized her need for urgency in hearing my response.

            “Well…” I started, hesitant. “I still don’t know. I mean, it still feels a little –”     


            “No!” I yelled, annoyed.


            I groaned and looked at her dejectedly. “No.”


            “What the – well…” I hesitated for a moment. “’Weird’ is not the term I’d like to use.”

            “Then what?” this time it was her turn to be annoyed.

            “Surreal,” I answered with a weak voice. “What happened and all the things he told me – it all feels surreal. I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t understand.”

            “You don’t understand why he loves you?” Trina sounded surprised and a little appalled.

            “Seb and I go way back, Trinity,” I began to explain myself. I thought out of all people, Trina deserved to hear me speak my mind about my issue with Sebastian.

            “The concept of love, it came naturally to us. We started out as unlikely friends then we became best friends almost to the point of being brother and sister, you know? Love, I guess, was always in the equation.”

            Trina heaved a heavy sigh and nodded. Even though I thought I was still vague about my explanation, she got what I meant.

            “And there were times when I did ask myself how far that kind of love would take us.”

            “But when you thought it could take you far, he decided to stay behind,” Trina finished my narration for me.

            A long, long time ago in a city not so far, far away, I actually thought I was hopelessly in love with Sebastian Lawrence, my only best friend at the time. He was always popular among the female population, which is why I felt even more special that I was the only girl he ever truly allowed to be a part of his life. I guess at that time, the very thought blurred the lines for me.

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