Chapter 016: A Doctor's Advice

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Chapter 016: A Doctor’s Advice


                I can’t remember how many times I have watched this happen in my dreams. But whenever I do, I never fail in remembering every little detail of how my parents died.

            The events that led to the car accident replays exactly as it always did over the last two years since it happened and whenever the nightmare haunted me in my sleep.

            My intoxication that night remains to be a vivid memory. How I made a fool of myself is a source of entertainment for the spectators of that celebration. The argument with Sebastian starts the same way it always did and ends how I always knew it would conclude. My father comes to my rescue and saves me from the clutches of my former best friend. Once inside the car, I am greeted by my happy mother.

            The rest is, as they say, history.

            Usually, I wake up when I felt the impact of the car getting hit by the truck. Only this time, I remained asleep and dreaming. I feel the pain in every inch of my body. The pain is so unbearable I can’t scream even if I want to.

            Mom. Dad. I try to call them out loud but my lips can’t move and my mouth is dry. From afar, I hear a commotion; voices approaching towards us.

            As I remain trapped in my own pain and unconsciousness, I hear the voice of my mother to my relief.

            “Save her,” she says in a throaty and shaky voice. “My daughter, is she alive?”

            I’m here, Mom, I try to tell her despite my silence. I’m alive. I’m okay.

            As if she heard me, she speaks, “Take good care of her.”

            I remember clearly that those four words would be her last.

            I want to open my eyes to see if my father is alright. Hearing nothing from him, I just know he was gone too. If my mother was not talking to my father, I realize that maybe she was addressing her final words to someone else.

            Who are you? I ask in my mind.

            For a brief moment, I find the strength to finally open my eyes. With a blurry vision, I try my best to make out the two circular crystals that is before me. Once my eyesight cleared, I see a face I instantly recognized but not because of how its appearance frequented my dreams; but because of how the face had frequented my current reality. In fact, it is the first time that I see this face manifest in any of my dreams, which makes it even more unusual. The fact that it materialized in one of my worst nightmares confuses me even more.

            What is Byron doing in dream?

            Immediately after popping my eyes open, the electrifying headaches began its attack.

            Hangovers were created by the deities to serve one specific purpose – to make you regret everything you did the night when you were drunk beyond your wits.

            It had been a while since I had tasted any kind of alcoholic drink, the last time during the S.U.S. after-party a year ago. And after the events that transpired during that night, I clearly remember swearing off deliberate intoxication by saying, ‘Never again’.

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