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Epilogue: Ever After

            I’m not a big believer of “happily ever after” but I would like to think that this story deserves a bit of closure in order for me to begin a new one.

            Despite our obvious differences, clashing worlds and whatever bullshit that came our way, Byron and I are miraculously still together. I don’t know the particular duration but the both of us are still in an on-going argument whether it’s been eight months or nine months. We never marked on our calendars the exact date we got together so we’re not too sure. We always thought our relationship was a work in progress so everyday seemed like a day of celebration.

            But I have to admit, we fight all the fucking time. And it’s one of the things that makes being with him so worthwhile.

            As for Sebastian, we were back to being friends although the “best friend” status is still a long road ahead. To be truthful, Byron and Seb still don’t like each other and I’m starting to believe they never will. But they’re civil enough to behave with or without my presence so it’s all good. Although Byron was initially reluctant for me to re-establish a friendship with Sebastian, he trusted me on my decision to make peace. And he seems a little relieved now since Seb began dating Jessie Winters.

            Caleb finally graduated. He got a scholarship in UCLA but decided to attend Columbia instead. He remains in contact with his girlfriend-slash-my-best-friend, Trinity North. I never saw it coming but seemed the two had been pining for each other all along. That’s what I got for being stuck in my own little world without letting anyone in – I never knew that my big brother and best girl were in love. Trina and I were still in our junior year so she needed to kick ass during our SATs if she intended to go New York University.

            Aiden and Evan, like Byron and Seb, were already seniors. The twins have a bright future with their athletic careers. Aiden intends to go pro in tennis and be the badass that turns Rafael Nadal into dust. Evan was offered a spot in the national swimming team but he decided to go get a college degree first and become a varsity athlete at MIT. I kind of feel sad that just like my brothers Hunter and Caleb, I am also about to lose my twin brothers. But we still have a year so I’m sure all of us will make the most of it.

            Byron’s brother Tyrone had totally ditched Sasha Hedley. And for the first time, instead of becoming the starter of conflicts, I became a mediator in the reconciliation of the two brothers. Once Byron graduates, he told me he was going back to England to continue his studies in Heath University. He wants to be a teacher, believe it or not, so I could imagine him running schools one day.

            As for me, I got my eye on Oxford University. Although Byron was more than willing to enter me in Heath University, I don’t want to. Oxford has always been my dream. Although it is not as close to each other as we both wanted them to be, it was better alternative than my attending Harvard University instead. I’m pretty confident I could achieve the required SAT scores for that. Byron raised an eyebrow at that but I have always been pretty ambitious.  

            Don’t tell him I told you this but I am completely, head-over-heels, madly in love with Byron Oliver Heath. I can’t tell you exactly why. Maybe it was his demigod physical appearance. Maybe it was his undeniable intelligence, which he masks with his carefree attitude. Maybe it was his maddening sex appeal. Or, maybe, I just got into an accident, hit my head and decided that I was in love.

            Kidding aside, Byron changed my life.

            Byron saw something in me that nobody else did. He saw someone beautiful and amazing, sure, but he also saw someone that needed help to change. It took a few bruises and broken bones in order to see it for myself but I owed my newfound sense of self-value to him. He was my mirror. He challenged me to be better. He dared me to love… including myself.

            Byron revived my faith in everything and everyone. And every day, I make sure that I try to pay back a debt that can never ever be repaid by loving him more and more each day.

            So Dr. Nyqvist, if you really are reading this, let’s keep this one our little secret, alright? I know you’re sworn into some vow of shrink-loony confidentiality but as a personal favor, never ever mention of this journal. If possible, burn it.

            If Byron ever finds out about this journal, he’ll move heaven and earth just so he could read it.

            Especially since I haven’t actually told him that I was in love with him. Yet.

            We’ll save that story for later.       

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