Chapter 004: The Prince of Lucien Heath

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Chapter 004: The Prince of Lucien Heath


            The news of my alleged assault on the new student in the academy had spread like wild fire.

            Of course the news had morphed into several versions already once we got past fifth period. One account states I punched the student in the face from blocking my way. Another claimed that I stabbed the British student in the eye with a plastic knife. However, there were versions that were close to the truth such as one stating that I kicked the kid’s jingle bells all the way back to the North Pole.

            I had to admit, I sniggered when I heard that one.

            No matter how varied the stories of the incident had been, two facts remained accurate – I was the violent villain. He was an innocent victim. These people had no idea that my action was with due reason and provocation. They just assumed that the Demon Lady has a knack for violence and that it was only natural that I would throw a fit from time to time. It probably didn’t help that I did at one time push a student to the swimming pool just to get him out of my way. My behavior caused my notoriety and I made no effort to change the people’s poor opinion of me.

            I didn’t dwell much on the left and right conversations that people whispered here and there. They didn’t have much gut to confront me and ask me personally about what happened so they resorted to making up their own versions of the story.

            To be truthful, I was happy not to see the British stranger anymore. In fact, I hoped I’ve seen the last of him. However, since he was now my schoolmate, chances were, I’d see more of him than I would ever dare to tolerate.

            The rest of the day had passed by mundanely. I got an A for my essay in history class and another A for my Geometry quiz. I was pleased to get out of the suffocating confinement of the school building. So as soon as the bell rang to dismiss classes, I went straight to the women’s locker and changed to my soccer uniform before heading to the field.

            Once I arrived at the field, I saw from a distance the congregation of my teammates as they were warming up in a circular formation. I jogged my way excitedly towards them. When I reached them, they all turned my way with a sudden and awkward silence. Feeling the uncomfortable aura surrounding the atmosphere, I made the stupidest effort to break the ice.

            “So, who knew cow fart was the main cause of global warming?” I stated cheerfully. “Fascinating discovery, right?”

            Dana was the first one brave enough to approach me but not before urging the rest of the team to proceed with the exercise. I eyed my co-captain with amused inquisitiveness as I patiently waited for her to speak. By the way she looked so mortified I knew it was somewhat of a bad news.

            “I’m sorry, Mage,” she began with a sincere and apologetic voice. “You can’t train with us today.”

            “What?” I automatically reacted, although at the back of my mind, I knew exactly that those were things she was going to say.

            “Coach said –”

            “Where’s Coach Bynum?” I instantly asked, searching for our head coach.

            “Right here, Mage,” I heard a voice behind me say. I turned and saw Coach Bynum standing a few meters away from me with that mixture of reproachful and apologetic look on his face.

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