Chapter 020: For the Love of a Brother

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Chapter 020: For the Love of a Brother



            I could not help but cringe at the sinking feeling inside my chest. It was as if my heart was writhing in pain. Who ever knew that one simple word, which seemed to be so positive and unthreatening at first, would inspire such a dark thing as a heartbreak.

            Hearing Byron's words of affirmation for his lingering feelings for Sasha Hedley was an experience I did not like to live even further. But it seemed i was being tortured by fate by letting me witness Sasha crash her lips against his.

            Seeing their lips touch felt like a knife stabbed through my chest and the way Byron seemed to enthusiastically respond to Sasha's advance felt like that knife had been twisted repeatedly to the shattering of my heart. With Sasha's eyes popping open and staring into me while she locked lips with him, obviously marking her territory, felt like an insult to injury. They did not only stab my heart, they butchered it.

            He's mine. I win. Her deceitful eyes said it all.

            I couldn't take it. Before Byron gets a chance to see me watching their romantic moment like an obsessed stalker, I needed to leave that place. After all, Sasha had won. I had no place there anymore.

            There was no way I was going back to the main house. I had neither the time nor the energy to deal with the unimportant things. I did not want to talk with Dr. Heath about my plans in the scientific field. I did not have the patience to listen to Mrs. Heath talk about business. I did not have the tolerance to listen to her praise Sasha Hedley for being such a wonderful lady. I did not have the face to show Tyrone after what I have seen his brother and his fiancée do behind his back. Even the amusing company of the butler was not enough to console me.

            There was only one place I was sure no one would be at dusk. The lake. And so I ran my fastest speed towards the lake where I am sure no one would ruin my peace. I did not dare look back at the greenhouse, afraid to be reminded of the pain that was brought about by what I had witnessed. I ran past the lake house and went directly to the wooden pavement leading to the deeper end of the lake. 

            As soon as I reached the tip of the pavement, I pulled off my shoes and socks and folded my pants just below the knee. Immediately, I slumped on the flooring and dipped my feet under the cold and fresh water of the lake.

            While I played with the water, kicking against its strong stillness, I remained silent. My heart wanted to burst out and my throat was dying to scream out the air I was holding in but I kept control. However, I wasn't sure how long this control would last especially since I could already feel my body shaking and my eyes watering.

            Before a teardrop would fall, I lied down on the woodenly pavement, a frail attempt to stop myself from breaking into tears. I stared at the purple-orange sky as my vision continued to blur from the salty water from my eyes. I shut my eyes and breathed in and out deeply and repetitively until I have felt myself calmed down. I tried to forget even for a moment that it was the first time in a long time that I had actually cried.

            "Going for a dip?"

            My eyes automatically popped open upon hearing the voice. Tyron was bent forward, staring down on me with an amused smile on his face.

            In panic, I sat up and discreetly tried to wipe the tears from my face. I dared not to open my mouth to speak, fearing my voice may croak if I attempted to. 

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