Chapter 013: The Triangular Love

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Chapter 013: The Triangular Love


            Sebastian and I fought.

            Well, sort of.

            If having him purposely ignore me for almost an entire week count as a fight, then yes, we did fight. The source of our fight was two of the pettiest reasons I have ever heard in my whole life. 

            One is jealousy.

            The second one is Byron Oliver Heath.

            Once upon a lifetime ago, I had esteemed Sebastian Lawrence as one of the most logical people I know. That in itself is a rarity in this world. However, with the way he was behaving towards me and Byron for the past week, the mere I fact that I had once thought of him in that way baffled me.

            What was happening to Sebastian?

            What was happening to us?

            To be fair, I couldn’t say that I was blameless either. Whether the fault on my part was deliberately done or not was debatable. From my perspective, I was merely a victim of the situation. But as explained to me by Trinity several times, I may not be the culprit but I was at least an accomplice of the crime. Or at least, that’s how it looked in Sebastian’s perspective.

            Our “fight” officially ensued when the men’s soccer team of Lucien Heath Academy had been declared as the new champions of the S.U.S. Games. Being it was the first time in three years that the men’s team savored ranking first and it was the first time in five years that we were back-to-back champions with them, it was something we considered to be such a great achievement, especially by me.

            Once the time ran out, the supporting audience of Lucien Heath Academy jumped and shouted for joy. The entire women’s team stood up from the bleachers and ran to the field to congratulate our male teammates with open arms.

            With everyone else finding a person to congratulate, I was pretty much alone in the field with an amused smile etched on face. From a distance, I saw Viktor cursing at his teammates for their incompetence in holding up a proper defense. I could not help but snigger at how ridiculous he appeared as he pointed fingers when in fact, he was more responsible than anybody else in their team. After all, his job sole job was to protect the goal and he didn’t even do a very good job at it.

            Viktor caught me watching his tirade, which made him stop abruptly. Just as his furious face had immediately turned shameful, my gaze shifted from amused to sinister.

            I have not forgotten, I said to myself, hoping that he somehow got the message without having the words said out loud. With the way he looked away with a paling expression on his face, I knew he understood.


            The familiar holler snapped me out of my daze. I could not see him with half a dozen of my team flocking around him but I knew with absolute certainty that it was Byron’s voice that called out to me against the buzzing noise of the entire stadium. Eventually, he managed to squeeze his way out of his adoring female fanatics and sprint towards me.

            With my arms folded, I feigned a wry smile as I was not at all satisfied with his performance. But before he looked too disappointed with my reaction, I flashed a sincerely happy grin. I extended my right hand just when he was close enough to shake it. But to my surprise, he grabbed a hold of it not to receive my formal congratulations but to pull me in for a tight embrace.

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