Chapter 018: The Art of Falling in Love

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Chapter 018: The Art of Falling In Love


            I spent my first day in the Heath residence marking my territory by sleeping the entire night away. Byron dropped by to check on me once or twice, perhaps wondering if I was still breathing or I had turned into a cold cadaver by one the resident ghosts. Nessie visited half a dozen times, which meant I had to be disturbed from my sleep over half a dozen times as well. If she wasn’t such an adorable kid, I probably would have kicked her off my bed just to teach her a lesson for disrupting my sleep. A similar experience happened with my seatmate back in seventh grade and the poor boy ended up with a black eye. Nessie was lucky not just because she is Byron’s little sister, but because even if we just met, I just knew I loved her already.

            After a good night’s sleep, I woke up to several knocks on my door. I drew the curtains to protect myself from the awakening sunlight, which is probably why I did not even notice that it was already eight o’clock in the morning. Although I wasn’t really late for anything, I immediately rose from my bed and drew the curtains open. I felt the surge of the ray of the morning sun rejuvenate my drowsy body. I fixed myself up in front of the mirror. When I realized that I looked presentable enough to receive anyone in my bedroom, I headed for the door and opened it.

            “Ms. Maegerie Young,” a butler with a fake white wig greeted me with a blank expression on his face.  “Good morning.”

            His facial expression did not match the cordiality of his greeting but I prevented myself from saying that out loud. Curtly, I replied, “Good morning, sir.”

            “I have come to inform you that the Madame President requests your presence at the refectory this morning to dine with her and the family,” the butler recited in faultless formality. “Table will be set in thirty minutes.”

            My eyebrows were raised at the mention of “Madame President” as I found it completely unusual to address someone in such an exalting manner. It also didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the “Madame President” the butler spoke of was none other than the matriarch of the Heath Family Business Empire, and mother of Byron and Nessie, Elizabeth Delacroix Heath.

            It was common knowledge among members of the affluent circle that the President and CEO of Heath Enterprises was not just symbol of feminist success but in really, also one of the most intimidating individuals on earth. Even the likes of Bill Gates got eaten alive by her at an international corporate conference and that is saying a lot.

            I normally would not try to impress anyone but since even I treated President Heath in such a high regard, I had to at least look presentable. I spent the next half hour in taking a bath, picking out what clothing to wear, fixing my hair and wearing a little make-up. After I was satisfied with a simplistic approach to my appearance, I headed downstairs and was directed by one of the chambermaids to the veranda where a small dining table was elegantly set. Byron and Nessie were already seated comfortably. I chose to sit next to Nessie and in front of Byron. The siblings were unusually quiet as they expectantly waited for their parents to arrive. Perhaps it was the effect of anticipating the arrival of the “Madame President”.

            “Good morning, everyone,” a firm feminine voice greeted from behind us.

            I was quick on my feet to stand up when I saw the siblings rise from their seats. Dr. Heath was linking arms with a familiar bronze-haired woman, no older than he was. He pulled a chair on one end of the table and assisted the matriarch of the Heath family as she sat down while he sat on the other end.

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