Chapter 025: My Saving Grace

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Chapter 025: My Saving Grace

            My first three days of consciousness since I awoke from my coma was, to say the least, boring. I spent my first day surrounded with doctors who were either strangers or just plain strange and a bunch of medical equipment with purposes that may surprise most people. The first twenty-four hours were spent by the medical experts trying to discern whether I was out of harm's way or the worst is still yet to come. 

            In the end, they decided that there were no indications of further medical complications but concluded that it was best if I stay under observation for a week or so. If I show even more positive signs of recovery, then they may be able to release me.

            I have spent my hospitalized days in complete stupor. The only view I have seen so far was the white-painted ceiling of my room, which is very much synonymous with the white wallpaper all around me. Some flowers would have added more life to the room and I would have gladly accepted all the flowers sent to me had I not been so against with using flowers as an expression of affection. So far my only source of entertainment were watching a DVD marathon of some of Chuck Norris' better movies and listening to Trina gossip about the happenings of the outside world.

            The restlessness has been killing me for the past few days and one day more, I was certain I was going to start thinking of ways to revert to my comatose state to defeat the boredom. Thankfully, after some coaxing from Trina, my doctor decided that I deserved to finally get some fresh air.

            I wasn't yet able to walk properly, with my healing fractured bones and organ damage, so I had to sit on a wheel chair with Trina pushing it to guide my new mode of transport.

            As we travelled along the hallways of the hospital, I couldn't help but imagine the scent of death that reeked all around me. I never was a big fan of hospitals, which was a good reason why I never had the flair for the medical profession. A scientist? Yes. A doctor, which needs to deal with death every day? No, thank you.

            "Don't worry. We'll get to the garden in a while," Trina assured me, probably noticing my obvious discomfort after seeing an old man cringing in pain.

            "I know. I'll be fine, Trina," I said, trying to assure her as well.

            She was right. A few more turns along the corridors and we found the exit. Outside was a beautiful garden, surrounded with different species of wonderfully scented flowers planted on the soil filled with green Bermuda grass. At the center of it all was a large flowering tree, with the trunk huge enough to assume it was over fifty years old.

            The harmonious beauty before me gave me the strength and courage to finally speak my mind to my best friend.

            "I lied, you know," I began to speak in a coarse voice. "When I said I didn't hate you, I did. I hated you so much because you had what I wanted. You had Sebastian."

            "I guess we started a friendship based on a lie," Trinity responded solemnly, looking from afar. "I loathed you even more. You had everything yet you never had to work hard for it like I did. And I guess, neither of us really had Sebastian to begin with."

            I smiled at the final comment of my best friend. Then I remembered accident that almost cost me my life, Sebastian calling me out asking me to pull over then a truck almost hit his car as I desperately swerved my car to save him. After that, I woke up on a hospital bed with a pain that seared all over my body.

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