Chapter Twenty

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In the morning I decided to get to school early, but Isaac had to get a ride from Caleb since he had to run a few errands before going to school, so I decided to carpool with Brenda, seeing as we needed more girl time.

We talked the whole way to school, I would ask her about her dates with Luke, how her family was doing and the usual. We made plans to go out later this week, jsut us girls. Lord knows we need it. You can only talk so much open things with a guy until you realize they don't know the struggle.

"Did you do the class assignment that's due today?" Brenda asks, swinging her locker open after spinning her code in. Inside of it she only has a small magnetic mirror, two books, a notebook and extra set of clothes for emergencies and lipgloss.

"Yeah, here." I tell her handing over my neat sheet of work so she can copy it down.

"Thanks." She gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek before happy copying it down on a separate sheet of paper while I wipe her nasty saliva off my face on her shoulder.

"You're one disgusting hman being, ya know that?" I grunt, playing with my hair as she writes away. God, I missed these good old days.

"I know." She smiles.

And that's when I hear the annoyingly high pitched laughter on the far side of the hallway. I turn to see her leaning against the lockers with her friends circling around her, looking at her as if she were some kind of rare creature.

"Where are you going?" Brenda shouts, trying to keep up with me as I plow my way through students standing in the way of me and Chelsea.

"Hey Chelsea." I sneer when I reach her and her little minions. They all turn as my fist soars through the space between us and connects with her face. The impact of the hit made her skid to the floor with a cry of pain. Every moved out of the way as she slid across the hall, slamming against the wall with a bang. All the noise hushed down til you could only hear her silent whimpers of pain and sneakers squeaking closer as people gathered around, waiting for a fight to break out.

"What the fuck is your problem!" Dianne shrieks, falling to her knees next to her 'best friend'. "That's for messing with my car." I spat at them before squatting down and punch her right in the eye. " And that's for all the shit you pulled." Chelsea finched fromt he hatred oozign out of my mouth. I could see blood dripping from her busted lip. But nefore I could catch on to what was happening, Dianne's boytoy grabbed me by the hair and slammed me against the lockers, the locks digging into my back.

"What is your damn problem Montenegro." He snarled in my face, his warm, nasty breath hitting my cheek.

"Get off me Brad." I hissed, anger coursing thru my body rapidly. I could hear people whispering, waiting to see if he would dare hit me; which i know he would.

"Make me." He smirked, challenge shining in dark brown his eyes. His hair is falling down his forehead, touching mine as well seeing as we're less than an inch apart. I felt my fist balling up, unknown strength building up in my fist, but I just had to wait a few more seconds so he wouldn't see it coming. I opened my mouth to give him more shit.

"You asked for it." And with that, he was pulled away from me and a fist collided with his nose, blood instantly gushing out like the niagara falls. I fell to the ground in a mess of limbs as I heard skin hitting skin with the occasional grunt here and there.

"Let's go." Isaac yanked me by the hand and began running, Luke and Brenda a few feet ahead of us.

People began moving out of our way, some smiling, some recording and some scurrying away from the scene. I turned back to see Brad staggering to his feet with his hand on his nose, Dianne holding a crying Chelsea in her arms and her followers surrounding them, trying to kiss ass to the queen bee.

Hey guys, so I know this was an extremely short chapter, but I wanted to get to this amazing part.
I hope you guys like it and I promise to make the next update longer <3

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