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It was was never my intention to fall in love. I never want to open up to someone again with the possibility of being left out and that this person will once again be my weakness, that without this person, I cannot function well, and my heart will voluntarily devote itself to this said human being for a period time. Dakota ripped my heart out once when we were still young and dumb, and because of that, I became a player. A long line of men and women became my victim. They are the sacrifice for my fear of commitments.

The truth is, I'm afraid to fall in love. It is the one thing that scares me the most. I think people leave me eventually because I can't even love myself. I don't trust my own judgments. What they don't know is that all I wanted from them is a little understanding, and yet they bail out on me whenever things get rough, leaving me with the consequences, fixing the collateral damage.

Over time, I've heard too many cliché promises, read a lot of sweet lines, received a bunch of flowers. But then, after months of being in love, I start having doubts, the promises are just plain words, the sweet lines are just a broken record and the flowers began to wither in my heart.

I'm not that person who waits because all my life, I've been taken for granted, that no matter how much love I give, they were never satisfied. The truth is, I'm fed up with people with the bubblegum effect, who are only sweet at first. I want someone who can swallow her pride for me. My tired eyes are the witness of how much pain I've felt. My own hands are the only ones I can rely on. My words are kept within my bloodstream. I've been so disappointed many times, that moving on to the next chick became a routine, and yet they were always missing something, but I have found that something with a person I least expected.

No one knew how broken I was. I became cold. Cold as ice. A puppy love, a single heartbreak, built up walls and grew spokes in my heart. It was never easy. I wasn't easy to love and it wasn't that easy for me to trust. Yes, I may be rich, but I know love can never be bought; it is either priceless or heartless.

But then, someone comes along, making me realize what love really is, that my idea about love was a mistake. I was wrong for thinking that love is true when you both love each other. I guess it is not that. Love changes people and staying in love with someone is a choice. Love is not measured by the distance or the sacrifices, not defined by age, unanswered by what-ifs, but how many times you become selfless for this person, patiently loving them without expecting anything in return.

Love is scary. Love will break your heart. But love is also the thing that heals every pain in the world. Love someone you're scared of losing. Cherish that someone who puts in even a little or so much effort to make you smile. Stay with the person who made you imagine that you're living a fairy tale. Keep the person who wants to be a part of your day although you're apart. Choose the person who's willing to wait, and not the one who makes you feel that you're obligated to give love back.

Just remember that if it frightens every bit of you, you'll know that this love is true. For once, I was afraid to fall deeply with Kai, but now I know why the gravitational bitch lured me into her, making my inner demons calm their shit whenever she's around. She is their master, she is my lover.

Every sinner has a future, she has given me hope.

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My story wasn't that perfect. She wasn't and so am I. It all began when I entered that arch in Scarlet Rose U which I once considered as a living hell. Well, in the beginning, it was, but when I came across this arrogant, self-centered, lustful, egoistic, liar, control-freak, bossy, rich brat, my life has changed; I fell in love with Sinner slash the school's Queen Bee.

I never really thought that both of our bad decisions can create a story worth telling. She lost me once, I lost her twice, but we both fought for our love, and now look at us, we are living together with our little boy, Kameron Shintaro Cambria-Sinclair. He's three years old now.

Ice and I built our business empire and our close friends became a part of it. Our firm is now well-known in the entire country and even some parts of the globe - Jackie's got the IT department, Ricci takes good care of the financing staff, those two made a good team. I'm just glad that Jackie graduated from being a douchebag to a responsible woman. Ricci is now living with her in their own mansion. Aside from Jackie and Ricci, Ekko, Mason, Gia, and Ice are the resident engineer of the company, while Carly, Jackie's brother Zach, Yuri, and I are their architects. Our subordinates look up to us for our devotion and success. We are world-class.

Speaking of which, I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world, thanks to Ice. I learned about all the corny things that she had done for me. The surprise dates, all the bullying she had done to protect me, the hidden cam on my bed, highjacking the plane where I am just to have that one summer with her, stolen shots inside the Crimson Walls, her revenge over the students, the passionate make-up sex, and all other things that melted my heart.

I remember having a date with her last Valentine's Day, it was awesome. I told her that I want to have a land, air, and water date, and she granted my wish within a matter of hours. In the morning, she challenged me with a car race. It's funny 'cause she's gonna win against me but then drifted before my red, converted Toyota VIOS, and our cars almost collided. She then whispered something, "I," and then kissed me slowly in the middle of the race track.

By midday, she took me to Tanauan, Batangas for skydiving. As they drop us in between Mount Makiling and Taal, she shouted, "Love," and kissed me while on free-fall. What an experience.

In the evening, we had a nice dinner with our family and friends on a yacht. Before the clock struck twelve, all of us kissed our beloved in unison. Red and Erin, Tori and Iris, of course, Jackie and Ricci, my best friend Quinn and Grey, and us, in the middle of the luxurious vessel, completing her sentence by saying, "You."

I can never find someone like her in my entire existence and this time, I'm not planning to let her go. No, never again. She opened up to me once more, gave me another chance, despite the doubts and the lies, this woman has loved, loving, and will continue to love me. I can never ask for more. I will not try to find what's lacking here and what weakens her, but instead, I promise to always be there for her through ups and downs. I don't wanna get off in this ride with Ice.

Our life's carousel will proceed on turning as we continue to be each other's partner, best friend, and lover as we grow old, that no matter how much big of a challenge may come and test our limits, no one can ever break us. We are too broken to get broke, and we are just a few examples of those people who found one other and healed each other with our trust, patience, understanding, bravery, and love.

Now I can finally say that it was all worth it. I took the risk and claimed my glory. I won the battle against temptation, lies, mockery and at that moment I let go of my what-ifs along with my doubts, the thrilling happiness has taken over and given me this kind of life. A life with Ice Cambria and her inner demons.

Every saint has a past, she taught me a lesson I will never forget. She is my lesson, the mother of my child. My love story.


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