Chapter Twenty three

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    The next two months was a particularly fragile time for my newborn son, Louis. I spent a lot of time with him, just watching or cradling him to make sure that he was still there. If I was not fussing over him then I was playing with August, writing letters to Agate and Josepha or downstairs with my ladies in waiting.

    It was a surprise, although an extremely welcome and pleasant one, when Agate came bustling into the room holding her arms wide open for me. I jumped to my feet, mouth open hugging her tightly, “It appears that I have missed much!” She exclaimed before letting go.

    I gave her a serious look, “How are you? Are you alright?”

    “Little girl,” She breathed tenderly. “I have a little girl named Charlotte and she is doing mightily fine with my sister now. Although it has surely taught me a lesson that I shall never forget. It was distressing and awful to have to say goodbye to her. I spent two weeks locked up in a room on my own. I am alright now,” she was trying to sound convincing, “I will be when I am reunited with my boys that is.” She was looking about eagerly. “I cannot believe it was that simple! You just demanded them at court and he got them.”

    I took her hand in my own as we began to search for either her boys or her husband. “Yes, I was shocked at how simple it was. Although I have not seem them in the last week or so. But then I have been preoccupied massively lately.”

    “Yes!” Agate gasped, squeezing my hand, “Are you alright? How is the little prince fairing?”

    “He is doing much better now, he is still so small and fragile looking but I shall take you to see him later if you wish,” I spotted Agate’s husband across the yard and pointed him out to her. “Wait here and I shall go and talk to him,” I said because I did not want her presence to jeopardize anything. He smiled politely at me and stooped a low bow. “Where are your boys, sir?”

    “Oh,” he looked surprised and I could not tell if he was acting or not. “They have returned to the country. They were not to stay here permanently, just as a sort of holiday if you will. I hope this has not offended Your Highness.”

    I remained indifferent although underneath I was boiling with white hot rage. He must have heard about Agate’s return and sent his sons back so she would not be able to see them. I gave a stiff smile, “No no, it is not an offence. I just thought they would want to see their mother after such a long time without her.” We regarded each other warily.

    He bowed his head again, “I am sorry My Lady but if you do not mind I really have somewhere to be.” He bowed and without waiting for dismissal he walked around me.

    Composed I returned to Agate, she could see from my face that it was not good news. I took her to an empty room where she began to cry uncontrollably, her pain and heartbreak pouring out of her very soul. It was a troubling sight to have to watch. “I am so sorry!” I said. “I really and truly am. He must have known you were coming back and sent them away again.”

    “Obviously!” She was leaning on a desk, head bent as she sniveled to herself. “Oh he is so wicked and cruel, tantalizing and torturing me so…I-I hate him! Oh I loathe him, I wish the ass was dead!” I was slightly less shocked when she said this because it was not the first time it had happened. Nevertheless I still did not approve of such talk. “How can he treat the mother of his children in such a way? They are my light, my life and have most likely forgotten their poor old mother. What sin did I commit Anna?” She sniffed, straightening up and facing me then. “What great sin did I make that is making Him punish me like this?”

    “No sin,” I spoke softly, “You are a good woman. You will have your children in your arms one day, friend. We must pray and pray-”

    Her face twisted into something almost ugly. “No more prayers. I have prayed and prayed relentlessly for over a year now and still nothing, I am to be punished so it seems. Punished and punished and I will never stop suffering!” Her voice snapped as she banged her fist on the desk top.

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