34- Let This Year Be The Year

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"What's your new year resolution?"

How many times to people get asked this on December 31st? A lot of times, I know. Especially when you're at a new year's eve party. It was an annual thing that me and Alice went to at the country club that all four of our parents belonged to. It was a super prestige kind of country club and only the richest of the rich get in, unless you're a guest, like Danny. Alice invited Jason, but he was going with some of his other friends to some party. However, this country club party was kind of a tradition for us, so we couldn't bail for another high school party.

"I don't think I have one," I replied to the girl, I think her name was Charice or something like that, but I didn't really know, but I did know that her dad golfs with mine, which is why she was talking to me, I guess. "I mean, I think I have everything that I need right now."

She smiled and nodded. Charice was really nice, I guess, she was twenty and I think she had a thing with Lance a few years back, and I also think that Alice knew that, because she was standing beside me giving Charice subtle dirty looks. She is so funny when she's jealous, I swear. "That's totes understandable, your boyfriend is so adorable." She giggled.

"Yeah," I agreed nicely with a nod. "he really is." Danny had gone to get us drinks, but only because he insisted. I don't think he liked talking to Charice for some reason, but I had warned him before we came that it would be mostly stuck up families and rich kids, but he still wanted to come. "Anyway, what's your new year's resolution?"

"Oh, I just hope to get through my junior year of Yale." She explained with an exasperated sigh. "Do you know what school you guys are going to?"

I shook my head and subtly elbowed Alice to be more nice to the girl. "No, not yet, but applications aren't due for another month, so we're still thinking."

"Well, I just have to suggest Brown, I think it would suit you both nicely." Charice chirped.

"We're not looking for Ivy League." I told her honestly. I mean, I think that we could both do it, me and Alice, but Ivy League is just so much pressure and I just didn't want that. I know that Margaret is going to Harvard for law, but I'm just not the type of person for Ivy League.

"I could only find some Cherry Coke, so I hope that's okay." Danny interrupted, handing both me and Alice cans of Cherry Coke and taking one for himself. "Oh, sorry, did you want anything?" Danny asked Charice.

"No, that's fine," Charice sighed with a smile. "I'll go find my date, it was so nice to meet you, Danny, and Happy New Year, you guys."

"Happy New Year," I chirped with a small smile as she strutted away in her Michael Kors dress.

"I so do not like that woman." Alice grumbled.

"That's because you're being immature," I laughed at her. "So, she had a fling with Lance a long time ago, so what?"

She shrugged. "I'm the jealous type."

"Obviously," I snorted. "Just remember that when they were in bed with each other, he was probably thinking of you."

That made Alice grin. "Oh my gosh, you're probably right. Ha, take that!"

I laughed at her as I felt Danny wrap his arm around my waist. "Okay, so who should we talk to now?" I asked, looking around at the people around us. Most of them were familiar and I knew them from both the country club and the parties that my mom likes to throw just to get her name in people's mind.

"Ugh, how about nobody?" Alice groaned. "I can spot like, three other girls that were rumored to be with Lance within the past three years."

"Ali, you whored around too, so you can't get mad at Lance for doing just that." I defended.

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