Chapter 2: The Stranger

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Natsu's P.O.V. :
The smoke was just visible rising up from behind the rock. (Somewhere off in the distance a little ways)
(Hold up! My friend just told me to recommend Fire Seal Productions. Just wanted to add that. Now back to the story. Sorry.)
I took a few steps toward the rock when suddenly a twig snapped. I froze. Then, I slowly looked down at my feet. I hadn't stepped on any twigs. I looked back up to face the rock. I realized that smoke wasn't the only thing that I was smelled. Flesh. There's someone else here. The smell came from behind the rock. A flash of movement caught my eye. A hooded figure leaped over the rock and landed right on top of me knocking me flat on my back. I was too shocked to say anything at first. Then, I realized that this was the person I had smelled earlier. The person spoke.

"Who are you and what're you...", they trailed off. They leaned over to look at my right shoulder. The one with my emblem on it. When they spoke they sounded deep like a boy but also sorta feminine.

"That's ....," they gasped and scrambled off me then kinda crab-walked or crawled until their back was pressed against the boulder. They breathed heavily for second. That gave me the chance to sit up and rub the back of my head. A few seconds later they crawled back over to me. They started to dust me off. Meanwhile, they were obviously flustered.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." She said over and over again still dusting me off. She. This person is a she. I could tell when their voice became more high pitched than it had been before. Her face was hidden by the cloak  she was wearing. I could see that she was wearing a cap under her hood. It was black from what I could tell. Soon she calmed down enough to where her voice was more masculine again.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were a guild member of Fairy Tail. I hope that you can forgive me." She bowed low to the ground and then stood up again.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. My name is Natsu Dragneel. Who're you?" I asked.

"NATSU DRAGNEEL!? You're really him!? Awe cheese! I messed up this time. Again I'm really sorry. Oh wait, you asked me what my name is right? Well, it's Camdyn."

"Last name?"

"That's classified, sorry." She sure does say sorry a lot. She then took off her hood to reveal her face. Before I looked at her face I looked at her cap. It said in big, bold, red letters 'SEW EURODRIVE' whatever that means. My eyes then slowly took in her face. She had hazel eyes and a big set of freckles right under them. Her hair was dirty-blonde and pulled back into a bouncy ponytail.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I asked.

"Huh? How could I not? You're pretty famous in Fiore ya know," Camdyn replied.

"Really?! It's good to hear that my name gets around!" I rubbed the back of my head and gave her my signature grin. She Smiled back but then started rubbing her right arm with uncertainty.

"Hey, do you think by any chance, that maybe I could.... I don't know.... join Fairy Tail? Ya see, I've been looking for a guild to join, but none of the ones that I've checked out have appealed to me.", she said.

"So you're a Mage? I'm sure you can join Fairy Tail no problem then!" I said with enthusiasm.

"Really?! Great!" She started to jump up and down excitedly. When she stopped I asked her,

"What kind of magic do you use?"

"Huh? Oh, that's a surprise!" She replied.

"Everything seems to be a mystery with you, doesn't it?" I said.

"You got that right! So, could you take me to the guildhall?" Camdyn asked.

"Yeah about that....I'm lost." My stomach growled. "And I'm hungry."

"Oh, no problem. I'll just take you back to my house so that you can get somethin' to eat. Then, I'll lead us outta the woods and THEN you can take me to the guildhall! Sound good?" I nodded and said,

"As long as I'm gettin' food in my belly anything sounds good."

"Alrighty then, folks! Dis-a-way!" She said before turning and walking towards the boulder. I followed as we went around it and started walking on a path that you could tell she used a lot by how beaten down it was. I looked at what Camdyn was wearing. A dark purple cloak with a white outline. A pair of black shin-high boots and a pair of black gloves. Earlier I had noticed that she was wearing somethin' like a camo-green jumpsuit with a belt underneath her cloak.


We arrived at her house in a matter of minutes. She pulled out a key and used it to unlock her front door. Camdyn opened the door, stepped inside and turned around, holding the door open for me. I looked around the house and saw that it was about the same size as mine and Happy's. Camdyn had a fire going and the sight of it made my mouth water. Camdyn apparently saw me staring at the fire and said,

"Go ahead and eat it. I was going to put it out soon anyway." Wait, how did she know that I eat fire? I looked at her questioningly and she responded,

"I told you that you're popular in Fiore, right?" She had told me that.

"Sorry, I must've forgotten," I said.

"It's no big deal. Whelp, go on ahead and help yourself. Just be careful not to set my digs(digs is another word for living space or house) on fire." I immediately scooped up all of the fire in my arms and ate in one bite. Camdyn looked surprised by the sudden movement. I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and smiled.

"Feel better, now?" Camdyn asked.

"Yep! Ready to go when you are!" I said.

"Alrighty then folks, let's get a move on!" She said and put her fist in the air.


Okay, I'm super proud of myself right now for making this chapter  over a thousand words. I tried to make it long for you guys. If you like short or long chapters please tell me. By the way I'm a big NaLu fan, so I'm gonna try and add some NaLu moments in here. Also, Camdyn is my oc. I tried to describe her as best as possible because she looks like me. Anyways, bye bye, Fairies!

I forgot to add one thing.... this is the first book that I've written on Wattpad and I tend to take negative feedback harshly sometimes. So, if you would please try and stay positive in the comments section that would make me very happy! Not being mean by the way. If you just can't stop yourself I will understand.

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