Chapter 6: Two Sisters

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Lucy's P.O.V.

For some reason I keep feeling this weird sensation. As if someone is grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me back and forth. I'm still in bed, I'm still 75 percent asleep. While the other 25 percent of me is awake. I opened my eyes to see Natsu sitting beside me on my bed. I figured. He was still shaking me back and forth.

"I'm awaaake!" I groaned and sat up while rubbing my eyes. "What do you want, Natsu?" I asked yawning and stretching this time.

"We gotta go to the guild, Lucy." He replied as he stood up.

"Why?" I asked. "It's early."

"We're going on a job with Camdyn, remember?" Natsu said.

"Oh, that's right! I completely forgot! Thanks for coming to tell me, Natsu." I was up and out of bed in three seconds, only to realize that all I was wearing was a tank top and underwear. Natsu stared for a few seconds.

"Lucy, you're a pervert." He says bluntly. I instantly turn red.

"L-look who's talking! You're the one who's staring!" I said pointing at him with one hand while trying to cover up with the other. Natsu just stood there as if he wasn't sure of what to do. So, I threw a pillow at his face and used that as a distraction to run to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and locked it behind me. "Natsu, could you please leave? I'll head to the guildhall once I've finished getting dressed."

"Okay, see ya later, Lucy!" I hear my window close, indicating that he had left. I let out a sigh of relief and unlocked the door, so that I could grab some clothes to get changed. When I was done I left my apartment to meet everyone at the guildhall.
Once I got there I saw that everyone else was already sitting at a table waiting for me. Camdyn had a big smile on her face, ready to face whatever today's job threw at her. I waved at everyone and they turned and waved back.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hello!" Camdyn said.

"Hey Lucy!" Wendy replied cheerfully.

"Ready to go?" Erza asked. Everyone nodded their heads in response. Everyone stood up from the table and we all headed towards the doors.

Natsu's P.O.V. :

We're walking to the train station, even though I protested and wanted to walk the entire way. I gave in, so now here we are, a big bunch of weirdos walking through the streets of Magnolia like some kind of gang. Erza has her boat of luggage, I have my usual pack, Gray has nothing but pants, Lucy has a small backpack and so does Camdyn. Wendy....isn't carrying anything for some reason. Although Carla is flying by her side. Happy is flying beside me, and occasionally I catch him glancing back at Carla.
I hear someone crying near by and suddenly see a flash of purple. I follow it and saw that it was Camdyn running over to a little girl. Camdyn kneeled down in front of the little girl and started talking to her. The little girl is rubbing her eyes and crying. I decided to tune in to the conversation and stopped to wait on Camdyn.

"What? You can't find your big sister, huh? Are you lost?" Camdyn asked and the little girl nodded. "Okay, I'll help you find your big sis'." Camdyn spoke gently to the little girl. She was probably 5 or so. The kid was still crying and Camdyn looked at the stores around her. Camdyn's eyes lit up when she saw a booth with stuffed animals for sale. I watched curiously as Camdyn got up and walked over to the stand. She pulled out a little sack which probably contained jewels. Camdyn gave the person behind the counter the sack and picked out a blue teddy bear. She then turned around and walked back over to the little girl who was still crying. Camdyn squatted in front of her and held out the bear to the kid. The girl looked up and a smile spread across her face when she saw the teddy bear. She looked at Camdyn as if not sure if she was supposed to take it or not and Camdyn smiled and nodded. The girl took the bear and hugged it as Camdyn picked her up and positioned the kid on her hip. Camdyn seemed to be a natural at this. Like she had done it a hundred times before.

"What does your sister look like?" Camdyn asked. The girl was still hugging the bear tightly when she replied.

"She has short brown hair and-and she has glasses." It isn't much information to go off of, but Camdyn took it. Camdyn started looking around asking anyone that came by had seen the girl that she described. No one had seen her. An idea popped in my head and I walked over to Camdyn.

"Hey, I could help. I could try and sniff out the sister." Camdyn nodded and I bent over to get a whiff of the toddler that she was carrying. The little girl shied away when I got close to her, but I managed to get a good sniff. I turned and tried to pick up the sister's sent.

"This way." I point toward an alley and we shuffle down it. Once we got to the end we came to another street. We looked both ways and spotted a girl with short, brown hair, and glasses. She was calling for someone and instantly Camdyn started jogging towards her.

"Kennedy! Kennedy!" The girl was frantic to find the one she was looking for. Camdyn stopped in front of the girl and the toddler's sister gasped when she looked at Camdyn. Kennedy squirmed against Camdyn and she put the kid down. Kennedy's sister was probably about 12 years old, I would say. Camdyn and I watched in silence as the Two sisters ran to each other. "Kennedy, I was so worried! Never ever leave my side again okay." The older sister said.

"Sorry Sissy, it won't happen again. Pinky-Promise!" Kennedy replied. I walked up and stood beside Camdyn. She had her hood down and had her cap on, as usual. She had a sad smile glued to her face as she watched the two siblings in front of us. The older sister looked up at us.

"Thank you. I'm sure you must have gone through a lot of trouble." The two girls stood up holding each other's hands. Kennedy held out the teddy bear to Camdyn, but she shook her head.

"No, keep it. It's a gift." Kennedy smiled and pulled the teddy bear back into her embrace.

"Thank you! Wait, what's your name?" Kennedy asked.

"I'm Camdyn and this is Natsu. We're mages of Fairy Tail."

"Wow, Fairy Tail! You guys are amazing!" The older sister said.

"Thank you. We had better get going. We're goin' on a job." I said.

"Okay, we hope to see you again some time! Bye!" And with that they turned around and left. Camdyn and I hurried back to the others who have been waiting this entire time.

"Where have you been?!" Erza shouted angrily. We rubbed the back of our heads and sweat-dropped.

"Uh, it's my fault. I drug Natsu into helping me find a little girl's sister. Sorry." Camdyn apologized.

"It wasn't Camdyn's fault that I decided to help her." I said emphasizing.

"Whatever, let's just get going already." Gray said.

"Okay." Camdyn replied.

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