Chapter 15: Apologies

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Camdyn's POV:

   I watch as Carla flies away towards the infirmary. Just as she turns the corner, Wendy comes out of nowhere.
"Camdyn!" Wendy exclaims running up to me, bandages and all.
"Wendy, get back into bed, now!" Carla scolds, turning around. Wendy ignores her and throws her arms around my waist. On instinct, I hug back.
   "Wendy!?" Lucy exclaims. Carla crosses, legs....paws with distaste. Natsu runs out of the infirmary along with Erza, Gray, and Happy.
   "Wendy, you need to rest." Erza states. Wendy looks up at me with tears forming in her eyes. She gives me the sweetest smile. My lips quiver and I throw my head back, "Waaaaahhhhh, Wendyyyy," I wail, tears streaming down my face. Everyone turns to me.
   Macao sweat-drops and asks, "Why're you so emotional all of a sudden...?"
   "Wendy's...sniff...okay. I worried...hic!" I sob out.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Camdyn." Wendy apologizes. I shake my head.
"You don't need-sob-to say sorry," I respond, "that's what big sisters are for." I smile and sniff. Pulling away, I wipe at the remaining tears with the back of my hand. In the corner of my eye I see Erza nod in agreement. Wendy's smile grows, until she spots something; her smile wavers.
    "Camdyn," I follow her gaze and realize that she's staring at the unconscious body lying on the floor, "what's that?"
     "U-u-uh that's-um that's...." A moan sounds from the man lying on the floor. "It's still alive, as you can see."
   "But who is it, exactly?" Wendy presses.
     "Uuuhh," I say the first thing that comes to mind, "my landlord."
All mouths fall open except Wendy's; she just quirks her brow at me.
     "I thought you owned the house you live in?" Wendy says. I start sweating.
   "I do now." I follow that up with an all too awkward laugh. Lucy starts to say something, but then gives up with a sigh of defeat. I didn't elaborate.
   Stepping around Wendy, I get a hold on the man's hood once more. I force a cheerful smile on my face and start dragging him towards the guild doors.
     "Whelp, I guess I'd better take my landlord back to his wife." Another awkward laugh. By then it had stopped raining. I pull the door open and let it swing in. I pause.
Hold up.
I crumple to the ground. Awe crap.
Lying on my stomach, my hand still grasping the man's cloak. I clear my throat.
"It appears that all of my strength is gone." I say, unable to turn around.
     "Pfffftt, haha! I was wondering when you were going to tire-out." Lucy laughed from behind me. Just then, the entire guild burst into laughter. I sigh in defeat.
"Yeah, I guess I overworked myself today." I reason, trying to shift myself at the same time. Grunting, I make little progress. I give in and lay there on the floor. The guild settles down and I hear the clanking of metal as someone walks over to me. Before I know what's happening, Erza hoists my limp body over her shoulder.
Erza faces the guild and says, "I'll
take her home." Without waiting for a reply, she turns around and heads out of the guild.
   "Thanks, Erza." I say.
     "It's no problem at all. You worked yourself hard today." She replies coolly.
   "A little too hard, if I may say so myself." I add. Erza chuckles and I smile in content.
We walk in silence for a little while, afterwards. Out of nowhere, a question comes to mind.
   "Hey, Erza?"
     "Hm?" She hums.
   "Do you think Lucy and Natsu would be a good couple?" I ask. Erza thinks about this for a moment, until her eyes light up with excitement.
      "They would make great children!" She exclaims.
   "Whoa, you're thinking way too deep into this." I say, blowing a hair out of my face. Erza clears her throat subtly.
     "But yes, I think they would make a lovely couple." She finishes.
   "Me too," I reply. I think for a moment, "do you have anyone special, Erza?" I ask.
     "Special how?"
   "Like husband-material." I elaborate. I can tell she's blushing when she hesitates.
     "W-well, I guess...not exactly..." She replies, flustered. I raise my eyebrows in suspicion.
   "Hmm, you guess?" I emphasize.
"Who is it~?" I ask, smirking. She sighs in defeat and says,
"He isn't apart of our guild..."
"Oh, then what guild is he apart of?" I ask, my limp body swaying side to side a bit. I notice that we're getting closer to my house as we speak.
"He's in an independent guild called Crime Sorcier (sorciere? *shrug*)."
   "Ah, that's cool." I say hiding my disappointment.
     "What about you, Camdyn?" Erza asks.
     "Do you like anyone?" If I had had water, I would've spit it out.
   "Pffffttt! Me? Like someone," I start laughing, "you-you must've lost your mind! Hahahahaaa!" I look over my shoulder and sigh when I see a small pout on Erza's face. I calm down and say in a soft voice, "what I'm saying is, a girl like me doesn't need a guy in order to be happy when she has family like you and everyone else in the guild. Ya know?" Erza gives an approving nod.
     "I understand. But, don't think that means you won't fall in love one day, miss." Erza reminds me sternly.
I let out a soft sigh, "I know."
My eye lids started to grow heavier with each slight sway. Erza started humming a soft song. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

Erza's POV:

I arrive at Camdyn's front door and remember I don't have a key.
"Hey, Cam-" I'm interrupted by soft mumbling sounds. I glance over my shoulder to see that the young Mage is fast asleep. I think for a moment. Then start gently fumbling through her pockets until I find what I'm looking for. I take out the key and quietly unlock the door, then open it. The hinges creak and I freeze. I look back over my shoulder. The Mage only mumbles about chicken and then becomes silent. I ease the door open the rest of the way and step inside.
Although her living space is small, it has a cozy feel to it. I gently set her down on her bed and tucked her cloak around her like a burrito. (I love burritos.) I backed away and silently closed the door behind me. I then headed home with only my thoughts to keep me company.


My only excuses are that I had writer's block and was busy with schoolwork. I'm a terrible person, I know.

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