Chapter 8: Nightmares

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This might be a short a chapter. Idk. I'll try and make it as long as I can. I hope you enjoy! 😸😎😆
Natsu's POV:

We walked slowly back to the Inn, some of us dragging our feet in the process. Man, I didn't get to beat up that monster as much as I wanted to. Camdyn stole the spotlight on that one. I gotta admit, though, she did an awesome job.
We reached the Inn after walking for awhile. When we all walked in side a woman saw us and scuttled over to us.

"Um, excuse me, but are you the residents that signed in under the name 'Scarlet'?" The woman asked. We all nodded our heads and the woman cleared her throat. "Well, you see, there was a little accident in one of your rooms." The lady said.

"What kind of accident?" I asked. The lady looked at us reluctantly.

"The room caught on fire, but we managed to subdue it before it spread to any other rooms. We're going to have someone come over tomorrow to try and fix it up." She said.

"Oh cheese, I hope that it doesn't affect your business!" Camdyn spoke up.

"Same here. Accidents happen." Gray added.

"Anyways, I think we would all be fine sharing a room." Erza said.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Erza asked Lucy.

"I don't wanna share a room with HIM!!" Lucy said indicating to me. Ouch, Lucy. That hurt.

"Oh well, guess you'll just have to live with it." Happy said. "Oh, and on a side note...who's going to be sharing a bed tonight?" He smirked when Wendy turned bright red and so did Lucy.

"No one will. I'm sure that the staff will give us extra blankets and pillows." Camdyn said.

"Awe, Camdyn, why ya gotta ruin the fun?!" Happy whined.

"Sorry, Happy, will this make up for it?" Camdyn apologized and pulled a fish outta nowhere. Happy's face lit up. Camdyn kneeled down and held it out in the palm of her hand.

"FISH!!!" Happy exclaimed excitedly and quickly took the fish out of Camdyn's hands.

"Yep! I remembered that you had asked me for fish because you were hungry. We walked by a fish stand and I bought a whole bunch just for you when you get hungry." Camdyn said rubbing the blue feline's head. "Let's head up stairs and figure out our sleeping arrangements. I'm ready to hit the hay." She said with a big yawn.

"Camdyn's right. It's already two in the morning. We need to get some sleep." Erza said.

"Sounds good to me." Gray said stretching.

"Yep, I'm pooped." Lucy said. We all trudged up the stairwell and got to our floor. We saw that it was mine, Gray's, and Happy's room that had caught on fire. No surprise there.

"Guess we're sleepin' in the girls' room." I yawned. We stumbled into the room after Erza had unlocked the door. I saw that the Room Service had already layed extra blankets and pillows on one of the beds. Camdyn walked over to the pile of sheets on the bed and grabbed a blanket and pillow. She then hobbled over to the wall with the window and set her things down. She put down her pillow and covered herself with the blanket.
Camdyn didn't bother changing her clothes and neither did the rest of us. Erza chose to sleep on one of the beds, as did Lucy and Wendy. Happy is sleeping soundly with Carla and Wendy in the bed that she chose. Gray and are going to sleep on the floor, same as Camdyn.
I layed down with my blanket and pillow. I glance over at Camdyn to see her already asleep. For some reason she's clutching onto one of her hammers. I'm too tired to even wonder why. I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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