Chapter 3: Welcome to Fairy Tail!

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Natsu's P.O.V. :

Camdyn picked up her key and headed out the door first with myself following close behind. Once we were both out of the house she turned and locked it behind her. Camdyn put her key away and started back along the path we had taken to get here. We soon walked past the boulder from before and into the clearing where we had met. She turned and started walking along what seemed to be a dear trail. I quickly followed; turning back around to look at the clearing behind us and then faced forward again. I slowly began to recognize my surroundings and felt a little bit more comfortable. Abruptly, Camdyn stopped in her tracks causing me to almost lose my balance trying not to fall on top of her.

"What's the big idea!?", I hollered. Camdyn turned around and glared at me. She slowly put a finger to her lips telling me to be quiet and then pointed off in the distance. I squinted following her finger and saw what she was pointing at. It was a dear. I looked back at Camdyn to see her staring at it like a kid full of wonder. It was standing in clearing full of green grass. It looked very majestic; almost like something you would see in a painting. It had turned it's head towards Me and Camdyn. It stared at us for a moment then turned and bounded away gracefully. Camdyn sighed in disappointment and started walking again.


In no time we had reached the sign that said "Welcome to Sakura Blossom Park". I took the lead after that and started walking down the streets that lead to Fairy Tail's guildhall. When we arrived we stood in front of the massive building as Camdyn stared in awe just like Lucy had the day I brought her here. I smiled at the thought. Camdyn looked and me and asked,

"Are you okay?" She looked at me questioningly.

"Huh, why wouldn't I be?"

"I dunno, you were just, kinda, smilin' weird..." She trailed off mumbling to herself. "So,.." She said abruptly. "Can we go inside?" I nodded my head yes in reply. She excitedly ran towards the doors and pushed them open. Inside was a mad house. Plates were flying everywhere and tables were tipped over on their sides. I side glanced at Camdyn expecting to see her scared for her life, but instead her eyes were like stars they were shining so bright.

"It's everything I've ever dreamed of." She whispered. I had to strain to hear what she said over everything else that was going on. When the guild suddenly got quiet I turned around to see everyone staring at us.

"I'm back!" I said cheerfully waving my hand in the air.

"Yo, Flame brain, who ya got with ya there!?" Asked Gray. Camdyn had her hood up and was looking at her feet. Then she looked up and cleared her throat. Obviously, not comfortable in the spotlight.

"My name is, Camdyn and I'm a Mage that would like to join your guild." She said and gulped. Then Macau (don't remember how to spell his name) spoke up.

"There goes our Natsu, always bringin' girls home with him." He smirked.

"Not funny, Macau." I said. Then Lucy walked up to me and Camdyn with Happy right behind her.

"I see that your walk went well." I scratched the back of my head not sure how to respond. Lucy walked over to Camdyn who was rocking back and forth on her heels while staring at the ground. Lucy extended her hand to her and said,

"Hi, I'm Lucy! We are happy to have you here with us." At that, Camdyn lifted her head up and shook hands with Lucy. Camdyn had a big grin plastered on her face, kinda similar to mine. After that, Lucy took Camdyn to Mira to get her emblem. I watched closely as Camdyn held out her right forearm to get stamped.

"Now it might sting a bit, so just be ready." Mira said cheerfully. When the stamp made contact; Camdyn didn't even blink. She clearly hadn't felt a thing. When the stamp was pulled back it revealed a fresh light blue emblem. Camdyn turned around and looked at me. She showed me her emblem and I nodded in response. Makarov was suddenly beside her as if he had came outta no where and led her to his office. He's probably just going to ask her some questions. I thought and sat down at the bar.

Camdyn's P.O.V.

A short man quietly pulled me into what I believed to be his office.

"Please sit down in one of the chairs." He instructed. I did as I was told and sat down. "You can call me, Master now that you've joined the guild. But, my real name is, Makarov Dreyer. You may also call me gramps since that's what most of the kids call me."

"Yes sir." I nodded my head once and looked back up.

"You are one of few words I see." He said.

"No sir, I can actually be very talkative once I've warmed up to people. At least, that's what my mom would've said." I replied, playing with my hands.

"There's no need to be so formal, Camdyn." Makarov put his hands up in front of his face as if signaling for me to stop. Then he continued. "Now, about your parents....."  He trailed off and I nodded.

Natsu's P.O.V. :

I sat there at the bar talking with Mira and Happy until Camdyn came back from gramps's office.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Ah, it went a'ight! He just talked to me a little about bein' in a guild and asked me some questions. No big deal." Camdyn said. I tried to read her expression, but it was no use. She was really good at hiding stuff apparently. It had started to thunderstorm outside and at the first roll of thunder excitement lit up in Camdyn's eyes as she turned to look at me and Happy.

"Hey, you guys want to see somethin'?" Camdyn asked.

"It depends on what it is that you want to show us." I told her. She smirked.

"You want to know what kind of Mage I am right?" I nodded. "Then let's go."

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