Chapter 16: The Trip - Part 1

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Camdyn's POV:

I rush around my cottage, throwing stuff into my bag. Excitement rippling through my body. My bag is one of those magic bags that are small on the outside but veeeeeerrrryy roomy on the inside. (Like Hermione's bag in Harry Potter. #whenyouplagarize 👌🏻)
"Aaaaaaaannnd... a hairbrush!" I say as plop my hairbrush inside the bag. After I zip the bag shut I sling it over my shoulder, grabbing my key from the table beside my front door. I open my door, step outside, close my door behind me, and lock it before turning around and starting down the trail that led out of the forest. I hum to myself quietly as I walk along the trail.
You may be wondering why I'm in such a good mood. Well, that's because my teammates are taking me on a camping trip to Tenrou Island!
I'm SO excited! I think to myself.
We'll be taking a ship there and setting up camp where the S-Class Trial started off. It'll be me, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Wendy, and Carla. I make it out to the main road and start making my way towards the harbor; still humming my happy tune. As I pass by a fruit stand, I wonder whether or not I should buy something to eat for lunch on the way to Tenrou Island. I shake my head, dismissing the thought and continue walking.
The team decided to meet up at the harbor so that we can get an early start and that way we don't have to sit out on the deck of the ship under the blistering sun as long.


I finally make it to the dock and when I see all of my friends waiting to board the boat I start running towards them. My smile grows at the sight of their turning faces. My heart swells when they start smiling too.
I had spent so long with nobody. I'd never had anyone to talk to the way I can talk to them. The only one I had had to talk to was the thunder that boomed way over my head. It was one of my only comforts on my lonely path. I shake my head once again, pushing those thoughts to the back of my head. I'm here now. I'm here with them and there's no need to worry about being alone. I hurry over to the smiling group that was waiting beside the boarding ramp.
"About time you showed up!" Natsu says with a wink. I elbow him in the side playfully.
"Are you ready to go, Camdyn? Do you have everything you need?" Lucy asks and I give a nod in reply. We all start boarding the ship and put our stuff below deck. This'll only be a two hour voyage, but we don't want any of the food we packed to spoil out in the sun.
"Man, it's gonna be a hot one." I say to myself as we all board the ship. "I already want to take off my cloak." I go over to the other side of the ship and lean forward against the rail. This is going to be quite the rough ride, with my motion sickness and all, I think to myself. Then an idea pops in my head. "Wendy!" I call out.
"Yes?!" She shouts back.
   "Will you do your special-magical-healie-anti-motion-sickness-sky-dragon-thingy on me? When the ship starts moving, of course, so that it has a longer affect that will hopefully last until we reach the island." I ask with pleading eyes.
   "Of course!" She says walking my direction. She looks so cute! She's wearing a little white sundress with a pink bow around the waist. To top it off, she's wearing a big, white, floppy beach hat that she has to hold down in the wind.
   Just then, the captain bellows out, "We ready to set sail, kiddos?!"
   "Aye, aye, Captain!" Happy shouts in response. Immediately, the ship lurches forward, knocking my feet out from under me. I save myself from a harsh butt-bruising by clinging onto the ship rail. Wendy stumbles a little at the same time and looks up to see me in my sudden panic-stricken moment. She giggles as I feel the forward movement and rocking of the ship. At this, my body gives up on everything I have ever hoped to accomplish and I slump to the floor of the deck in a bundle of sickness.
Wendy shuffles over and enchants my body with her healing magic. Once it kicks in, I sit upright and push myself to my feet. I take Wendy's hands in mine and look her in the eyes and say earnestly, "Thank you."
Wendy seems a bit taken aback by the actions but nods her head and says, "You're welcome."
    I spin around, pointing a finger towards the horizon, "To adventure and beyond! Onwards!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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