Chapter 10: Bicycles and Cartwheels

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Natsu's POV:

I slowly blinked awake and squinted as the sunlight hit my eyes. I grunted as I propped myself up on my elbows and yawned. I stretched and got out of bed to slowly shuffle over to Happy and wake him up. I poked his cheek once and he stirred but started snoring again a moment later. I poked his cheek a few more times getting slightly annoyed.

"Oi, Happy, it's time to get up. We can eat breakfast at the guild." The little blue cat scrunched up his face, but his eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that were bleary from sleep. He sits up and blinks a few times.

"Aye, sir." He said, sleepily rubbing his eyes. While I waited for Happy to find his green bandanna and tie it in a little knot around his neck, I got dressed as well. When we were both ready to go I opened the front door and let Happy walk out first. I stepped out after him, closing the door behind with a quiet 'click'. I sighed as I stepped off of the front porch.

"Alright, let's go, bud." I said, putting my hands behind my head and walking down the path away from our house. Happy sprouts wings and flies in the air beside me.

"Aye!" He says enthusiastically. A content smile grows on my face as we make our way to the guildhall. Except for the occasional outburst from Happy when we pass by a fish stand, all is silent between us as we head happily to the guild. I'm looking around until I spot a certain blonde mage and jog up to her with Happy right behind me.

"LU-SHEE!!" I yelled waving with my left arm. Catching her attention she looked over her shoulder and smiled when she saw me and Happy. When I caught up to her I grabbed her forearm gently and pulled her lightly in the direction of the guild. I looked back at her to see her shocked face return to normal. I took the chance to take off running at full speed to the guild hall. Lucy flapped in the wind behind me like a flag on a flag pole.
Her face was priceless as she kept yelling at me to slow down. We reached the guild in a matter of seconds and I let go of Lucy's arm. She sunk slowly to the ground and placed her hands on her thighs.

"Why must you do this to me?" She says quietly looking at me. I smiled and shrugged.

"It's fun." I said simply. Lucy let out a sigh of defeat and shook her head slowly, looking back at the ground. I kicked open the doors to the guild.

"We're here!" I hollered. Immediately I saw Camdyn running up to us. She skidded to halt and turned to Lucy.

"Lucy, I need help. Can I ask you something?" Camdyn asked in a serious tone.

"Sure! What is it?" Lucy replied. Camdyn clasped her hands together and got down on her knees, looking up at Lucy with pleading eyes.

"Can you, please, teach me how to ride a bicycle?" Camdyn asked staring at Lucy with watery, puppy eyes.

"Hey! Why can't you ask me?!" I asked crossing my arms stubbornly. Camdyn turned to me and returned my stubborn glare. She stood up and dusted herself off.

"Do you know how to ride a bike?" Camdyn asked bluntly.

"Uh-!" I stood there frozen, realization hitting me like a bomb. I quickly got into the same position Camdyn had been in a moment ago.

"Lu-shee! Will you teach me how to ride a bike too?" I pleaded looking up at Lucy with the same watery, puppy dog eyes. Lucy chuckled at both of us and crossed her arms across her chest.

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