Chapter 13: Innocent Blood

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Okay, I thought this song would go with this chapter. I'll probably be doing this a lot in the future. Oh, and the song is by Breaking Benjamin. The title is Failure. How sadly ironic. I love this song, btw. I hope you enjoy the chapter! You might have to play the song a few times...just sayin'. Heheh.

Natsu's POV:

I feel someone shaking me and I open my eyes groggily to see Happy staring back at me.

"What?" I ask with a yawn.

"I can't believe that you forgot, Natsu." Happy says shaking his head sadly.

"Forgot what?" I ask stretching.

"It's Lunchtime, Natsu!" Happy exclaims.

"Huh?! Already?!" I immediately stand up from the table. "We gotta get somethin' to eat!"

"Aye!" Happy says and hops off of the table. Something stops me. I scan the guildhall for signs of two specific mages.

"Oi, Happy, where're Camdyn and Wendy?" I ask looking down at the blue cat.

"They went on a job while you were asleep, Natsu! But they haven't come back, yet." Happy says looking back up at me.
I nod and head over to the bar with Happy, where Mira is standing behind the counter, cleaning cups. Mira looks up from her work when Happy and I sit down in front of the bar.

"Chicken, please!" I tell Mira.

"I want fish!" Happy exclaims from his seat beside me.

Mira nods and says, "Coming right up!" She turns around and begins to cook our orders.
It's quiet today.
I'm getting a gut feeling that something bad has happened.

"Mira," I say and she turns around. "what job did Camdyn and Wendy take?" As soon as the words are out of my mouth the guild doors burst open, (they seem to be doing that a lot lately) and I stand up to see what's happening.

Camdyn explodes into the guild along with the doors. She doesn't have her cloak on. Instead it's covering something else in her arms. I look behind Camdyn and see that Wendy isn't running in behind her.

"MIRA!!!! INFIRMARY, NOOOWW!!!" Camdyn booms, running across the tables, not caring what she breaks or knocks over. "GET OUTTA MY WAY!!!!" Camdyn shouts. The guild members scatter as she charges toward the infirmary.

Mira forgets about our orders and hurries after Camdyn. I follow, quickly, with Happy flying beside me. Lucy, Gray, and Erza dash to the infirmary as well.
I smell blood.
I slake my head and run faster. I make it to the infirmary first, but the others file in shortly after. Camdyn sets her bundle, gently onto a bed.
Right when her hands slip out from under the cloak, she stumbles back. I catch her before she collapses onto the floor. Only then do I realize that she's breathing so hard that she's almost choking on the amount of oxygen she's inhaling. I bring her to a nearby chair to let her rest and dry off. Erza walks over and stands beside the bed that the cloaked object is laying in. I notice two tiny feet sticking out from the bottom of the soaking wet cloth.
Erza gently pulls back the hood to reveal an unconscious Wendy. Erza then takes the cloak off completely and shows Wendy's blood-stained clothes.

Lucy gasps in shock behind me. Gray takes a cautious step back.

"What happened?!" Lucy asks. I shake my head slowly. Camdyn croaks from her spot on the chair and attempts to sit up.

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