Chapter 9: Back to the Guild

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Lucy's POV:

After we all got ready we went down to the train station and waited for the next train to Magnolia to arrive. None of us are injured from the night before. Except for a few scrapes and bruises here and there all of us are just tired.
Camdyn probably took most of the damage. She's sitting on a bench with Wendy, Happy, and Carla, staring at her feet as if she wished she could kick herself. She had her hood up and her cap on underneath.
Even though that's how she usually dresses I feel a much more gloomy aura coming off of her when I look at the mage.
This is abnormal behavior for the usual perky tom-boy. I hear the thundering of the train in the distance and I turn to look at it. Once it comes to a stop we all climb aboard and take our seats. Camdyn didn't sit beside Natsu this time. But rather, sat in a different seat entirely. I was about to say something when Gray stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Leave her alone. She probably wants some time to herself anyway." Gray said. I gave a curt nod and glanced once more at Camdyn before the train began to move. Wendy had already cast a spell on her to make her motion-sickness go away until we get to Magnolia.
The train jerked and began to move. Natsu is sitting beside me and gets sick immediately as the rumbling begins. His head falls onto my shoulder and his face turns pale.

"You llliiiiiiiikkke him." Happy purrs in front of us. I scoff and look back at the half conscious Natsu leaning on my shoulder. He's groaning about how his stomach hates him and how he shouldn't have eaten that breakfast burrito. Erza then without hesitation knocks him out with one blow to the stomach.
Worried I lean down to check if he's still breathing. Sure enough I can feel his breath fanning my cheek. I caught a whiff and surprisingly it smells minty.
Wait, Natsu brushes his teeth?
I realize how close I am to his face and sit up quickly blushing. Happy's smirking at me and I can tell what he's thinking.
Dumb cat.
I look over at Camdyn to check on her but she's staring out the window with her head resting on the frame. Her eyes flicker from object to object outside of the train as she's deep in thought.
I wonder what's she's thinking about?
   Just then her eyes snap towards me and I look away as quickly as possible, trying to make it seem as though I hadn't been staring. Camdyn inhales and exhales deeply then looks out the window once again.


We arrived at the Magnolia train station after about another half hour. I dragged Natsu off again when the train screeched to a stop. He happily jumped to his feet when he felt the solid ground beneath him. Camdyn was the last to exit the train and was dragging her feet with a gloomy aura surrounding her.
Natsu bent down to Happy and whispered something in his ear. The blue cat's eyes lit up in understanding.

"Aye sir!" Happy saluted and walked over to Camdyn. "Camdyn, have you ever flown?!" Camdyn looked up in surprise.

"Yes, I have the Hammer of Flight Speed, remember?" Camdyn replied dumbfounded.

"I mean have you ever flown without trying? Like..." Happy put his paw on his chin trying to explain the concept to the mage. "Without having to use magic in order to fly?"

"Oh, no I haven't." Camdyn shook her head.

"Well, your prayers have been answered!" Happy exclaimed pointing to the sky with a paw. Camdyn sweat-dropped.

"But, I didn't have any prayers in the first place." Happy didn't waste any time. He sprouted wings and swooped over Camdyn and grabbed her from behind. "H-hey, Happy, what're you doin'?"

"Happy's gonna fly you around until that frown of yours turns upside down." Natsu said putting his hands on his hips.

"Happy can fly people around?!" Camdyn exclaimed.

"Why is that so surprising?" Asked Erza asked.

"Well, it's just that....he's kinda small." Camdyn replied.

"Your gonna learn that size doesn't matter in Fairy Tail." Gray said and Happy lifted Camdyn off of the ground. She looked down at us with a worried expression.

"Are you ready, Camdyn?" Happy asked. When Candy nodded he began to count down. "Launch in 3...2...1!" Happy starts flying taking Camdyn in loops and circles. Camdyn's screams of terror soon fade to laughter. A few minutes passed and Happy set Camdyn on the ground. Camdyn clapped cheerfully as Happy flopped onto the ground with a small thud.
"So...dizzy." He mumbled.

"You shouldn't have made so many loops and circles then!" Carla scolded. Happy sat up rubbing his head with a smile.

"Sorry, Carla." He apologized to the she-cat. When he stood up Camdyn was bubbling with excitement.

"Happy, that was so much fun! Thank you so much!" Camdyn said. I smiled at the now happy mage. Her hood had been blown off of her head while a Happy was flying her around. "Hey Happy, have you ever been flown around by someone else?" Camdyn asked. Happy thought for a moment, but shook his head slowly.
   Camdyn's eyes sparkled. "Here hang on to my hood or get inside of it." Camdyn said. Happy climbed into her hood with a curious expression on his face. "Carla, would you like to come?" The she-cat crossed her arms (or legs) over her chest and shook her head.
"Alright. Requip!" Camdyn extended her arm and the Hammer of Flight Speed appeared in her hand. She grabbed onto it quickly and looked at Happy. His eyes were wide with anticipation.

"Aye sir!"

"Launch in 3...2...1!" Camdyn repeated what Happy said and took off. Sending a wave of dust into our faces. When the dust cleared we looked up to see Camdyn cutting through the air like a blade. The wind was so strong that poor Happy was hanging on to Camdyn's hood for dear life. The force of the wind blew back his cheeks and eyelids. This continued for a few minutes until Camdyn landed on the ground with Happy clinging onto her cloak as if he was never letting go. His eyes were rolled back as he flopped onto the ground once more.
Natsu let out a chuckle and scooped Happy up in his arms.
   "Happy! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to go overboard!" Camdyn exclaimed worriedly taking a step towards the barely conscious blue cat.

"No, it's alright, Camdyn. I had so much fun that I'm speechless." Happy mumbled in Natsu's arms. Camdyn still looked concerned and took her pack off of her back. She set it down and began searching for something. She pulled out a fish and held it up to Happy.
"Fish!" Happy said happily coming back to life, grabbing the fish from Camdyn hungrily. He quickly stuck the fish in his mouth and closed his eyes in content as he chewed.

"We should get going you guys. The sun is about to set." I said. Camdyn nodded and picked up her pack, slung it over her shoulders and looked at me.

"Yep, we have to go report how the job went to Master." Erza said. With that we all started walking to the guildhall.


   It was a short walk and we were there in no time. We reported to Master and parted ways, going home. Camdyn's smile stayed on her face for the rest of the day. When she said goodbye to all of us she gave each of us a hug before leaving.

"You guys are awesome and always will be." She said as she waved, turned and jogged away.

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