Chapter 5: Camdyn's Last Name

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Natsu's P.O.V. :

We headed back to the guild in silence. When we got there everyone was staring at us like we had come back from the dead. Master was the first one to speak or may I say scold.

"What did you guys do this time!?" I rubbed the back of my head.

"Uh..." I didn't have time to finish because Gray interrupted me.

"Pyro, don't tell me you went and destroyed another village?" Now that comment irritated the crap outta me.

"No Snowflake, we were just unclogging your toilet!" I said clenching my fists. Gray didn't say anything. He just stared at me with a blank expression that said "really?". "Anyways, Camdyn was actually showing us what kind of magic she uses."

"And she caused that big of a 'BOOM'?"

"Yep." I replied.

"That's amazing! What kind of magic do you use, Camdyn?!" All heads turned to look at Camdyn.

"Well, I-I pretty much just use hammers, lightning, and thunder to power my attacks. That's the gist of it. I would show you some, but I don't really feel like creating two craters in one day." Camdyn replied. "Sorry." Jaws were dropped.

"She also uses requip magic like Erza!" Happy said. Jaws were dropped even further. Erza turned around at the mention of her name. Oh, that's right! Erza hasn't met Camdyn, yet.

"Hey, Erza! Come and meet, Camdyn. She's joining our team!" Camdyn whipped her head around to stare at me in shock.

"I'm on the team just like that?!" She said in astonishment. "Yes!" Camdyn jumped in the air with her fist up. Meanwhile, Erza was slowly making her way towards us. Once she reached us she held out her hand to Camdyn so that she could shake it. "Wait, you're Erza Scarlet?! I'm such a big fan!" We all sweat-dropped at that.

"Yes, and I'm pleased to have you on our team." Camdyn took Erza's hand shook it. Gray, on the other hand, sat on a tabletop without a shirt. Camdyn looked over at him and let go of Erza's hand. She walked over to him and held her hand out to him.

"I'm Camdyn and would like to know if you and I could be friends." She looked at him with a warming smile. He hesitated but took her hand anyways.

"Sure, I'm Gray Fullbuster."

"There's a real man for ya." Elfman said from the sidelines.

"She's not a man!" Lucy scolded back.

"She's so sweet!" Said Mira. Just then Wendy walked in and I called her over.

"Wendy, come and meet our new teammate!" I hollered. Wendy ran over with an excited expression on her face. Carla was right behind her telling her not to trip and fall.

"I won't, Carla!" Wendy said. Wendy stopped when she saw Camdyn. Her eyes lit up. "Finally, someone closer to my age on the team!" Camdyn had her hood down showing her 'Sew Eurodrive' cap. Wendy looked at Camdyn's cap and curiosity spread across her face. "What's Sew Eurodrive?" Wendy asked. Camdyn still had a smile on her face when she answered.

"It's a motor company." She responded. A look of understanding flashed across Wendy's face. "My name's Camdyn by the way. What's yours?" Camdyn asked politely.

"My name is, Wendy Marvel. You didn't tell me your last name. What is it?" Wendy replied. Camdyn stared at her for a moment like she wasn't sure if she wanted to answer or not. Camdyn let out a sigh of defeat.

"Basel, Camdyn Basel. At least that was the last name of the people who took me in when I was little." The smile had disappeared from Camdyn's face. Wendy was about to ask another question when I interrupted her.

"Alright, now that everyone's been introduced, what do ya say about going on a job?! It'll be Camdyn's first mission too!" All eyes turned towards me. Camdyn put a smile on her face.

"Sounds good to me!" She said.

"What kind of job is it?" Erza said interested. I pulled out a flyer that I had taken from the board earlier that morning. Gray got off the table and walked past Camdyn and Wendy to look at the flyer. Lucy looked over my shoulder. The rest of the guild had started doing their own thing, not paying us any attention.

"It's a monster hunt. Apparently, it's been terrorizing a village. The client is paying 300,000 jewel for its execution." I said looking at Erza.

"Yea! I can pay my rent on time!" Lucy squealed.

"The monster isn't too scary, is it?" Wendy asked shivering.

"It doesn't have a picture, sorry." I said.

"Hold up, we don't even know what it looks like, but they want us to find it anyway?" Gray asked.

"I'm sure someone from the village has seen it." Lucy stated.

"I wonder how strong it is?" Camdyn asked while holding her chin between her thumb and index finger.

"Guess we'll have to find out." I said.

"What's the monster's name?" Erza asked.

"It says right here that it's name is Kobold Lord." Lucy said indicating to a blurb on the paper stating the information of the monster that needed to be taken care of.

"Whelp, when do you want to leave?" Camdyn asked rocking back forth on her feet again.

"I think we should leave tomorrow morning. I think some of us have had a long day. Don't ya think, Natsu?" Happy said.

"Yeah, you're probably right, Happy." I placed both hands on the back of my head. Lucy nodded her head sleepily.

"Phew! You got that right!" Camdyn exclaimed. "My house is pretty far away, so I should probably start heading back. Ya know what I mean?"

"But Camdyn, it's dark outside. A little girl like you shouldn't be walking around at night alone!" Carla scolded. Camdyn spun around on one foot to look at Carla. She smiled,

"I think I can take care of myself. Thanks though, Carla." And with that she turned and walked out of guild. After that we all parted ways and headed back to our own houses.

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