Chapter 4: Camdyn's Magic

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I watched as Camdyn pulled Natsu up from his seat with Happy already flying overhead. Camdyn grabbed Natsu's wrist and began running in my direction. As she came by she grabbed my arm with her free hand.

"C'mon, Lucy!" She said with a big grin on her face. Her grip was surprisingly strong. I was stumbling and jogging at the same time beside Natsu who was also being dragged. It seems like he's getting a taste of his own medicine. Then someone called out to Camdyn.

"Hey, Blondie, where are you takin' those three?!" Camdyn stopped and at first didn't say anything. Then, without warning, she whipped her head around and glared daggers at the one who spoke. When she spoke her voice was much deeper than it was before. It was so much more masculine than it should have been.

"First of all, my name isn't, Blondie. It's Camdyn. Second of all, I'm not a blonde. I'm a dirty-blonde. Get your facts straight, buddy, or I'll pound your face in." She was so scary when she said that I almost collapsed. I looked at Natsu and he seemed surprised by the sudden outburst too. Camdyn looked back over at us behind her and her gaze softened. I gentle smile spread across her face. She glanced back over at the person who called her a blonde which was obviously a mistake.

"I'm going to show them something." She finally replied. I realized that I had been holding my breath the entire time and let out a shaky breath of relief. I looked at Camdyn again. "You guys ready to go?" She asked. All three of us nodded our heads. (Don't forget about Happy) "Alrighty then, folks! Let's go!" All four of us rushed out the doors at the same time. It was poring rain outside! Why is she taking us out in this kind of weather?! I don't have a cloak like she does. Natsu looked like he could care less. Camdyn looked overjoyed to be outside in the middle of  a thunderstorm. Happy was flying above with a blank expression on his face as usual. We kept running until Camdyn stopped by a clearing with a overhanging rock at the side.

"Perfect!" She said. I wonder what's perfect about this place. Camdyn gently pushed us under the rock and went and stood out in the clearing, directly in front of us. Lightning started to flash.

"Camdyn, you might get struck by lightning! Come under the rock!" I yelled over the thunder and rain. Camdyn looked back at me and smiled.

"That's the point!" She yelled back. What the...?! Camdyn brought out her hands and pulled back her cloak to reveal one hammer on each hip, held up by straps on her belt. She's even got metal strapped to her body?! She moved each hand in sync as she pushed each hammer up from their strap holds and swiftly grabbed them before they fell towards the ground. She had a smirk spread across her face and her Hood was still pulled you over her head. Lightning was flashing like crazy now that she had pulled out her hammers. The hammers were like twins and had a hexagonish shape to them. My mouth dropped open as Camdyn raised her right arm in the air. Lightning began sparking around her and the thunder in the sky was almost deafening as she stood there with one hammer raised in the sky. Her eyes were glowing a bright yellow and the rest of her face was shadowed.Then she slowly began raising her left hand. When it reached the same height as her right hand lightning struck down and I leaped back into Natsu in shock. I managed to tear my gaze away from Camdyn to look at Natsu and Happy. Happy was trying to stay in the air without being blown back against the wall from the waves of wind flowing from Camdyn. He was shielding his eyes from the intense light. Natsu was staring at Camdyn in complete disbelief with his mouth dropped open. The wind was blowing my hair around like crazy. I looked back at Camdyn to see her moving. She brought her hammers down until she was holding them straight out in front of her. Then in one swift movement she smashed her hammers onto the ground. The collision seemed to shake the whole world. I closed my eyes as the light intensified and covered my ears. Suddenly, the light was gone and the noise was dying, so I opened my eyes to see Camdyn standing in the middle of a gigantic crater. Her eyes had stopped glowing and she looked up at us. We stood there in utter silence. Natsu was the one to break it.

"Camdyn, how old are you?" The question was so out of the blue I didn't even know what to think.

"I'm fourteen. Why do you ask?" Camdyn replied.

"It's just that you have a lot of magical power for a fourteen year old girl. That's all."

"Really? Thanks, man!" Camdyn smiled as she pulled down her hood. "Well, what did you guys think about my performance? Speechless?" We all nodded our heads. "Oh, and I also use 'requip' magic." Camdyn added.

"What items can you requip?" Happy asked.

"Mainly different types of hammers." She replied.

"I hardly think you need more than the two you have already." I said.

"Thanks, Lucy." She said rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, I guess we'd better head back to the guild. Their probably wondering what all the noise was." We all nodded in agreement and started heading back. Some how it had stopped raining and the sky was crystal clear. I looked back at Camdyn wondering if she knew why.

"Hey Camdyn, do you know why it stopped raining?" I asked. Camdyn cocked her head to the side a bit.

"Oh, I used up all of the electricity in the air and when I drew all of the lightning to myself the heat from it evaporated all of the water particles in the clouds and air."
She said it so simply that even Natsu seemed to understand. After that we walked in silence to the guild.


I hope that you guys liked this chapter! I just read it over and it's a lot shorter than I felt like it was while writing it. Oh well. *shrugs*

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