Chapter 11: Rain Fall

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Lucy's POV: The Next Day...

I'm sitting at a table, in the guildhall, staring at nothing. I'm also not in a very good mood this morning. I don't know why. I just am. I feel like I could take a swing at anybody that tries to talk to me today. I sigh deeply.
I sure hope that nobody asks me a stupid question.

"Hey Lucy! Are you angry about somethin'?!" Natsu yells from across the guild. Everybody turns to look at me.
I'm going to kill that dense idiot. I inhale deeply, scrunching up my nose and then exhale slowly.

".......Of coarse not." I reply after a few moments of silence.

"Okay. Just makin' sure." Natsu turned and started chatting with Happy again. I grind my teeth together in an effort to stay calm. Then I hear footsteps approaching me. Slowly the rhythm of boots walking on wood floor gets closer. When the footsteps stop I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I curl my fist into a tight ball.
Slowly, I turned to see who tapped me on the shoulder. I'm met with a smiling....lightning rod.

"Hey Lucy." Camdyn says and sits down beside me at the table.

"Hi Camdyn." I say and rest my chin on my hand. I look at her out of the corner of my eye. She's staring at her hands as she twiddles her thumbs. I close my eyes hoping that she won't say anything.
I really don't feel like talking.
Camdyn nudges me with her shoulder. I open my eyes, waiting.

"Why'd the chicken cross the road, Lucy?" Camdyn asked. The answer is so obvious that I want to bang my head on the table several times. But, instead I answer, trying not to spit out the words.

"To get to the other side." I answer through gritted teeth. Camdyn blinks a few times. The sun that shines through a nearby window, reflects off of her hazel eyes.

"Nope," Camdyn smirks at me. My eyes widen the tiniest bit, "do you give up?" I nod a few times.
"Because a man from Bo-jangles was chasing him with a biscuit!" I blink.
What's Bo-Jangles?
(What a sad world these characters live in.)

"What did the tree say to the mean twigs?" Camdyn asked. I shrugged.
"Leaf me alone!" Camdyn smirks.
"What did Happy say when a breeze blew by?" I shrugged again. "It's a little Wendy out here." I can feel the corners of my lips try to turn up, but I force them down and keep staring at nothing.
"What did the apple say to the grumpy lemon?" Camdyn asks, giving me a sly look. When I don't answer she goes ahead and tells me. "Why're you so sour today!" A small smile escapes my lips, and no matter how hard I try I can't push it down.
"Why did the piano go back to work?" She asks turning on the bench to face me. I wait for her to tell me. "He forgot his keys!" I accidentally let out a small giggle. Camdyn heard this and knows that she's getting to me. She got up from her seat and walked around the table. Camdyn sat across from me and put her elbows on the table, lacing her fingers together in front of her chin. I look at Camdyn and see that the constantly growing smile had left her face completely. Her once glowing, hazel eyes were now hard and cold, staring into the depths of my soul.
"Lucy....," She began, ".....I dare you to stare at me without cracking a laugh, smile, or smirk."

"Okay, I accept your dare." I copied Camdyn and put my elbows on the tabletop, lacing my fingers together in front of my chin. I return Camdyn's stare. Looking at Camdyn's face like this makes me realize how funny she actually is. Even while trying to be serious her thick set of freckles gives her a raccoon-ish appearance.
She also has that never-ending mischievous twinkle in her eyes. I know it sounds crazy that I can see that twinkle even though Camdyn's staring at me as if she's plotting out her plan to kill me.
For some reason, I find that oddly hilarious. I can't help it.
I laugh. It's not one of those throw-your-head-back laughs. It's just one of those silent chuckles. (Do you get what I mean?)
Camdyn's face transforms again from serious to glowing.

"And for my finale." Camdyn says holding up her index finger. "Natsu keeps making puns, but Gray tells him to stop. What does Natsu say in return?" I take a sip of the water that had most likely appeared during our staring contest. I've about reached my limit. I don't know if I can hold much longer against Camdyn's tactics.
"Sorry, it's hard Natsu!" I spit out my water to who knows where and start laughing. This time it is one of those throw-your-head-back laughs.
Have I gone insane?! Camdyn stands up from the table.
"My work here is done." I don't know how, but Camdyn managed to see through me like I was as clear as glass. She somehow saw that I just needed someone to make me laugh.


I sat there at the table just watching the world go bye with a smile on my face. Earlier on Camdyn made a new friend. Juvia had just returned from a mission with Gray. Camdyn practically jumped on top of her when she saw Juvia.

"Gray-sama, who is this adorable child?!" Camdyn stood up straight and made a fist.

"Hey! I'm fourteen!" Camdyn scowled.

"Oh, Juvia is sorry." Juvia apologized, but you could see the laughter in her eyes.

"It's a'ight." Camdyn replied. "The name's Camdyn." Camdyn held her hand out for Juvia to shake.

"Juvia." Juvia took Camdyn's hand and shook it.

"I know." Camdyn said in a creepy voice. Juvia jumped back quickly with a squeak and hid behind Gray, peeking over his shoulder.

"Tch." Gray looked in the other direction, annoyed, but you could tell that he was amused. Camdyn laughed and slapped her knee.

"Gotcha!" Camdyn had to hold onto her belly she was laughing so hard. Gray smiled and Juvia came out from behind him warily.

And that leads us to now. Juvia is at the bar chatting with Mira. Gray is having a fight with Natsu, and Camdyn is playing checkers with Wendy a few tables away from mine. Rolling thunder grabs my attention as well as Camdyn's. I looked outside the window. Dark clouds had gathered in the sky and rain started pouring down.
This reminds of the time when Camdyn first showed us her powers.
Speaking of Camdyn. She's racing towards the guild doors. Once there she hurriedly swings one door open and dashes outside into the drenching rain.
I jog over to the doors and look outside ready to call her back. But, before I can utter a word I see Camdyn staring up at the sky with her arms held up by her sides to catch raindrops. Pure joy lights up her eyes as she gazes at the raining sky. Memories flash through my head as I remember how she had been so excited to be out in a thunderstorm. Camdyn is soaked now from standing out in the pouring rain for so long. But I smile. I don't want to ruin this moment for her. I start to turn when I realize that Juvia is beside me watching Camdyn just as I had been. A small smile perched on her face.

"Juvia bets she's been lonely. All that time with no one to talk to. The only one that talked back to her was the thunder in the sky. On stormy days Juvia bets she went outside just to be with and talk to her only friend, the thunder." Juvia says this, but keeps her eyes locked on Camdyn. I stay silent and she continues.
"Juvia was like that once. Juvia's only friend had been the rain that fell from the sky. Do you know why, Lucy?" She looks at me then, and I shake my head.
She says the next part quieter than before.
"The rain never left Juvia's side. It was always with her. The only friend that actually stayed with Juvia. But, then Juvia met Gray and everything changed. Juvia made friends at Fairy Tail." I nod in understanding.
"Juvia thinks that it was the same way for Camdyn. Once she found Fairy Tail her whole world brightened up. She's still friends with the thunder just like Juvia still loves the rain. That bond never goes away. Juvia also thinks that there may be something deeper between Camdyn and the thunder." With that Juvia turns and walks away. Leaving me standing in the doorway, with my thoughts, and watching Camdyn.
I'm glad that Camdyn's not lonely anymore.

Just so you people know, I was determined to finish this chapter with a thumb that I had stupidly jammed. Part of me wanted to show you guys how much you all mean to me by typing with a jammed thumb. It still hurts. I know. I'm pitiful. But if you want to hear the story comment (duh) that you want to hear the story. It's a funny, but painful memory. Once again if you find any mistakes PLEASE tell me. It's embarrassing when I find a dumb mistake. I'm like "Oh crap! People have been reading that?!" But Oh well, see you in the next chapter peeps!

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