Cant sleep (him)

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I lay in my bottom bunk on the bus staring at a picture of the two of us that's taped to the top. It's about 2 am and I can't sleep, I just miss y/n. I know she's probably sleeping but I can't fight myself. I grab my phone and walk into the living room part of the bus with my phone. I dial her number.

"Baby this is Sam. I just want you to know how much I love and miss you. Call me as soon as you wake up." I leave a voicemail. I try calling once more because i just need to hear her voice.

"Hello. Is everything alright?" You ask a little worried.

"Yes. Oh baby it's so good to hear your voice. " Sam whispers into the phone. His voice being a little raspy from waking up.

"I miss you." You tell him.

"I miss you too baby. I love you."

"I love you too Sam. What are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep and I couldn't help but call you. " He smiles at the phone.

"Well you know I'm here for you anytime baby."

"Thank you. I better go I need to get some sleep. I just missed you a lot." He says bye and hangs up.

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