You come back to him

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He laid in his bunch for a few days now only leaving for shows and even then he didn't play his best. It had been a week since he left for tour and about two since you left him. Sam has been miserable and he knew it was all his fault. His eyes were blood shot he cried for you. He couldn't wait to come home so he could make things right with you.

You're at him missing Sam but won't answer any called or texted. Finally Sam's guitarist calls you.

"Hello?" You answer and even though it's not Sam you almost break by what he says.

"Please come. Sam really needs you and I'm sure you need him. "

"Where are you guys?" You didn't wanna give in so easy but you missed him terribly.

After going back and forth in your head you pack a small bag then grab your keys. The drive to the airport takes forever or at least it feels that way. You get on the next flight out. You'll make it to the show but you'll be late.

When you get there you flash an id to a security hairs and they let you in. Sam is half way done when you get to your seat immediately he notices you. Sam stares at you not singing anything. The music keeps playing but he only stares. Then he snaps out of it and finishes the show sting for the first time in awhile.

After the show you meet up in the bus just the two of you. It's completely silent for some time then he speaks.

"I miss you so much and I love you so much. I'm sorry for what happened but baby please just come back to me." Your heart completely melts and instantly you wanna say yes.

"I love you too Sam." He pulls you close.

"Please be mine again." You nod you head as you lean up to kiss him something you missed terribly.

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