Megan (winner 1)

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Tonight would be going to a red carpet event with Sam. The two of you have been dating for almost two years. He rented a suite while you stayed in Las Vegas.

"I'll be back in a bit babe, I'm going to get my hair done and nails." You kissed Sam as you were about to leave.

"OK love you Megan. " He kissed you once more before you left.

You were so excited tonight! Sam hadn't seen your dress yet and you knew he was going to love it. It was red and it fit your body perfect. The lady does a simple but elegant updo, she also does hour makeup. You loved being pampered just like any girl.
After you get your nails done you decide to stop and get a little something special for Sam. You were hoping he won tonight and so was he. He was pretty nervous since the two of you woke up this morning. That seemed normal though.

"Sam I'm back." You call though the big suite.

"In here baby." He had just gotten out of the shower and was styling his hair.

"I'm going to get dressed so don't come in the room yet I wanna surprise you." You smile and start to walk away.

He grabs you and pulls you close. "I missed you." He kisses you then lets go and you still can't help but blush for him.

Taking the dress off the hanger and sliding into felt good. You really like the dress and knew Sam would too. You paired the red dress with black heels and a dainty silver necklace Sam gave you for you one year anniversary.

By the time you come out Sam is sitting on the couch in the small living room part waiting for you. "Wow! Stunning babe." You smile and he looks at you up and down. "You know I think you're missing something though." He searches his pockets like he's looks for something. "This" He pulls out a diamond ring and drops to his knee.

Your eyes start to water up as you realize what's going on. "Megan I was wondering if you'd like to join me tonight not as just a date but my fiancé. I love you so much that I couldn't even begin to tell you how much. I can tell you this though: I promise to love you forever and I know you're the only person I want to spend the rest of my life. Will you do me the honors and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you. I love you so much Sam." He slides the ring on your finger and stands up to kiss you.

"OK we have to go before we're late my fiancée." He smiles and holds your hand the entire ride to the arena where the Award ceremony will be hellove
You're so happy you are glowing. The two of you pose for pictures as you walk down the red carpet. You're so happy he asked you. You weren't expecting out at all.

"So we noticed your lady has a new piece of jewellery, right?" An interviewer asks at the end of the carpet.

"Correct. She made me the happiest man alive today when she said yes." Sam smiles and squeezes your hand and whispers I love you.

By the end of the night you've gotten to much positive feed back and love and support that you just can't wait to marry him already.

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