Cheating (Part 3)

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Sam's PoV

I relax in the shower letting the hot water drip over me. I've never lied to Y/N but I was so drunk last night I had no control over the situation. I don't wanna lie but I don't want to hurt her either or put Amy extra unnecessary stress on her.

I get out and get dressed into something comfy. As I walk down the hall to the kitchen I hear sniffling. Y/N stands in the kitchen crying, I bite my lip nervously.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Her eyes go big when she turns around. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" Her voice increases with pitch each time she asks. "I don't know you tell me." She crosses her arms over her chest. Her cheeks are tear stained.

I drop to my knees holding on of her hands staring at her. She won't make eye contact. "Y/N I'm so so sorry. I didn't even know what happened until I woke up my memory from last night is completely gone. Baby I'm so sorry." My eyes fill up a bit from the hurt that I've caused her.

"Why would you lie to me Sam?" I think it hurts even more that I would try to cover it. "And you paid her? I want you to tell me exactly what happened right now!" She still won't look at me. I get up slightly turning her chin towards me. "Don't!" Her hand flies across my face, Y/N finally looks at me and her eyes are filled with hurt. "I'm waiting."

"Babe I'm sorry and in my defense I got so wasted I didn't know.."

"Sam! Just stop and tell me what the hell happened?" Y/N yells getting frustrated.


You wait there for Sam to tell me what happened. You're lost as to how you feel somewhere between hurt, angry, and kinda betrayed.

"We were drinking and I really don't know what happened then I woke up this morning and you weren't next to me. I don't even know if we had sex. I was in my boxers." You're so disgusted thinking of another woman's hands on Sam. "Then I didn't want you to find out because of the baby. I just wanted whatever her name was to not say anything. Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He softly starts to cry.

Your heart breaks even more for Sam. You know he should be let off the hook but he's so sincere and he isn't lying. Yeah it will be hard to gain his trust because he did lie to you but you love him and know you can forgive him.

"Babe say something please anything." He begs you bite your lip nervously.

"Well.. You know it will take some time to gain my trust back."

"Please just say you'll stay." He begs you and your heart gives into him. His cheek has welted up now.

"Yeah but we will need time to heal." You walk away from him going on a drive to get some fresh air.

Sam is glad you say yes but understands that you'll need time to get back to where you were.

The end

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