Sam Runs Into You And Your New Man (Your P.O.V)

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You and your new boyfriend Jacob were walking around downtown just exploring. It was a nice fall day and the two of you both had Starbucks. You wore his sweatshirt with a pair of leggings and a scarf. Jacob made you laugh and smile. Jacob was an easy going guy who always treated you special. He loved the way you wore you hair curled that afternoon. You loved how he'd stare at you when he thought you were looking.

As the two of you walked into target Jacob grabs a shopping. You guys walk up and down the aisles talking and throwing things in the cart that you needed. You look up as your heart drops. You know that voice anywhere, you hadn't seen him in over a year. The way things ended needed time to heal not just you but him too. The night it all went down vaguely flashes through your mind.

"Hey." Sam walks over to you and Jacob. You're lost for words like you can't speak. "How are things going?"

"Hi. I'm Jacob. You are?" Jacob raises his eyebrow.

"Sam. He's Sam." You finally say. "I'm doing well." You give Sam a half time. He's got a full beard more like scruff. You can tell he hasn't got sleep much. "How're you?"

"I'm excellent." He lies and looks down. "Umm. See you around." Sam turns away.

You bite your lip and Jacob rubs your back a bit before holding your hand and heading to pay. The rest of night you think if Sam but Jacob hold you close and cuddles you making you night warm.

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