You and Sam Run into Your Ex

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You and Sam had just got engaged. You admired to ring Sam had gotten for you it was bigger than you ever dreamed but it was very special. You and Sam decided to walk around the small town your lived in. Hand in hand you enjoyed your time with him like you always did.

You get to town square and right in the middle Sam dips down for a kiss leaving you standing on one leg as he passionately kisses you. Sam just made you the happiest girl in the world you couldn't think of anyone better to spend the rest of your life with.

Of course you feel people staring at you but you didn't care. Finally when you stand straight up you see a familiar face. Troy. Your ex boyfriend. He'd really hurt you and you thought you'd never be happy again, you had spent nights crying over him. Troy comes towards the both of you. You squeeze Sam's hand nervously.

"Hey. How are you?" Troy smiles his blue eyes sparkle just the way you remember.

"Doing good. This is Sam, my fiancé. " You smile at Sam looking at him. Somehow you liked Sam's brown eyes more and they sparkled way more they had so much meaning to you.

"You're getting married?" Troy's voice almost cracks.

You nod to him and show him the big diamond ring on your left hand. His eyes get a little glossy. You aren't sure why he's crying because he's the one that hurt you.

"We gotta get going." Sam says and you wave bye leaving him standing there.


"Yeah babe?"

"I love you." You smile and couldn't be happier with life.

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